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  Hristo Stoitchkov 
       A Fan Site

'I put the end of my 13 year old career in the national team and thank all the Bulgarians,who have supported me,even those who haven't.Noone is everlasting in this game.I give way to the youngsters right here on the stadium,where it all started for me.At the end I make a bow to the audience,who has always been with us and inspired us!'
Hristo Stoitchkov

Thank You For All The Joy You Brought Us Over The Years!

You Are Never To Be Forgotten!
What You Did For Bulgarian National Football Team Will Hardly Ever Be Redone!

Dedicated to the most successful Bulgarian soccer player of all the times!
The man who lead Barca to their first ever European Champions' Cup!

The one that took Bulgarian national soccer team all the way to the
semi-final in the World Championship of Soccer in 1994!

  The first ever Bulgarian to win the Golden Ball for best European      
soccer player!

The Most Hated and Adored!


  News     EspaƱol    Trivia

The CSKA years      FC Barcelona

Chicago Fire     Al Nasr

Interviews      Photoalbum      Parma AC

Kashiwa Reysol      Euro 96

The Stoitchkov Fan's Message Board

Personal Data      Links

World Soccer Championship 1994

The Golden Ball

View and Sign My Guestbook!

The current Web Site uses short quotations from the"100% Stoichkov" book.
However my advice to you is that you read the book
The first and second photoes on this page are taken from '7 Days Sports 'Newspaper,the third is from 'Meridian Match' Newspaper.

Any material in this website may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten or redistributed in any form without an explicit permission from the author.Any attempt to is punished according to the rules of International Law.