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undefined Well, there's a time in everyone's life when they must leave something old and move on. This time has come for me. In my opinion, there are way too many DB, DBZ, znd DBGT sites on the net. They all have copied pics, copied info, copied ideas, etc. Very few sites have anything that is original, and at this moment, I can name only one, who has a semi-original entrance page pic. This site is Saiya-jin Knight's Vegetto's DBZ Universe. So, since this copying and stealing has gone on long enough, I have decided that one more DBZ site on the net wont make any difference. My interests have moved on, to be specific, to the wonderful series of RPGs called Final Fantasy. If anyone is interested, my new site is This is a good-bye to the entire vast universe of Dragon Ball. Farewell to you all.

Owner of The Super Saiyan Trunks Page