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Join The Karmic Powers

We, the Karmic Powers are looking for a few good members. Our numbers are growing strong and the more, the merrier. In August (date unknown at this time), we added "A Simple Plan" as part of the Karmic Powers, Hooah! In order to be a Karmic Power, you must be a person with good morals, beliefs, a goal-oriented person, humble and honest. People that know the difference between right and wrong and have what it takes to succeed and striving to get ahead no matter what the challenges are (as long as they are noble, of course.) Members that cover all of these requirements, need apply. We do not ask for prefect people, simply the most positive of people.

Friend's &links to check out

Kittie's official website
Army recruiting homepage.
My Karmic Counterpart's Page
Rob Zombie's page