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SVSU concert

Welcome to my other photo album. This one comes from a concert the Karmic Powers invaded on August of 2002 at Saginaw Valley State University. More pics to come at a later time


One of the pre highlights of the concert (openers) was Gretchen. She had an awesome voice and the only one out of the four openers that I liked.

A Simple Plan Plays

The main event of the evening, Watching a concert with *A Simple Plan* for free!!! This was the best pic I have of the band playing, sorry ladies!

Surprise for the Tiger!!

On our Concert Invasion, we where shocked to see some familiar faces. In particular was a friend of ours from High School. I for one had met her when we used to attend a Christian youth group. I know there are more people from either High school or the Community college that I used to go to, but I will scout them and have our group reunited once again.