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Adventures in Genealogy: Mail List Manners


Rednecks, Common Courtesy and Flamin Emails

By Bill Hocutt



Now I have mentioned before that I am on a few of them mailing lists. Now I aint gonna bore yall with some of the stories about the thangs I have seen on the Roadkill Recipe list but I do wanna talk about manners with yall.


Now I know the rules on each list is different and something that is considered fine on the Beef Jerky and Beer list will get you thrown off the Caviar and Toast list, but there are some common sense rules of conduct that apply to all of them.


RULE 1: If You joined a list for Nebraska Genealogy the odds are that folks don't wanna discuss New York City Deli's. Or to put it another way try to stick to the subject.


RULE 2: Don't pour sand in other people's Capt. Crunch. Now stop and think about it if you join a list for one of the Southern States odds are some of these folks had ancestors that fought and died for the Stars and Bars. This is one of my personal pet peeves. Even if you think the Civil War (War of Northern Aggression) was about Slavery (Which it Wasn't) there are a few inescapable facts you need to consider. The war ended over 130 years ago -----You aint that old and neither am I. Whether you agree with them or not our Southern Ancestors fought and died for their country. Their actions were no more Treasonous than those of Washington or Jefferson. My final thought on this subject is simple it don't matter what you say or what you call us we are as Proud to be Southerners as you are to be Northerners.


RULE 3: Don't say nothin on the list that you wouldn't say to your Grandma. In my whole life I have yet to find a single time that foul language, insults or belittling someone has done anything but hurt folks and makes em mad. Instead of slamming someone on the list try writing a rational intelligent response. Face it folks we aint all gonna be friends or see everything the same way but different don't mean stupid.


RULE 4: You don't gotta read every email. If you are on the "Tulip" mailing list and you get 3 or 33 emails with a subject line of "How to make good Armadillo Chili" just delete them. You don't gotta read em. Trust me most list owners will step in and take action if the off subject conversation goes on too long.


RULE 5: The List owner may not always be right but he or she is the 800 LB Gorilla. ON the average the listowners are good hard working people who are just trying to help us, but they are not saints. If you don't like the way he or she runs the list then write them a personal email. Don't send it to the whole list, Don't badmouth him or her on the list and don't try to disrupt the list. If he or she fails to respond to your personal email or you cant live with his or her decision then Unsubscribe.


RULE 6: Don't respond to Stupidity. If someone flames the list or one of the members by all means write a personal note to the person who was abused but don't put it on the list. Those people out their doing the flamin get a kick out of disrupting the list.


Ok, I am gonna climb off my soapbox now. What it boils down to is use common sense and common courtesy. We are all adults lets act like it.


Adios and Keep Smiling


Adventures in Genealogy: Mail List Manners 2


Rednecks, Riding a Winning Pony and Reader Suggestions

By Bill Hocutt


HI Yall. Now normally I don't repeat a subject cause I don't wanna bore you. I'm gonna break one of my own rules because of the overwhelming response to my Mail List Manners Column and answer a few questions and add a couple of rules that people suggested.


First the Answers


a) I have been writing this column on a monthly basis for a little over a year. It went weekly this month (August of 1999).


b) No, I am not a professional genealogist or anyone you would know writing under and assumed name. I am just Bill Hocutt (GFS Waffle, UnkHiram) sharing my thoughts with you.


c) Yes, the column is free and you can subscribe by sending me an email saying you wanna get it every week.


d) No, I aint being paid to write this column, but I am open to offers (Grin).


e) The Mailing lists I belong to are Alabama, Tuscaloosa County, Fayette County, Walker County Al., North Carolina, East Texas and the Black Sheep list.


f) Yes, I am the same person who does the AlabamaSites and the TexasSites Web Pages.


g) As far as credentials go I host the Alabama Gen Chat on AOL. I am an amateur Genealogist and still learning.


h) Yes, I will continue to write about all aspects of the hobby. I will review web pages, make suggestions, and tell you about the things that I try weather the work or not. I will occasionally review a book or software program. For those of yall who are interested in that type of column I plan on reviewing the DearMyrtle Column during September and the Tuscaloosa County Heritage Book as soon as I receive it. If you would like me to review a specific book or page please email me. Just for the record I will not write a good review for money, Like some of yall I have sometimes wondered if I was reading a review or a paid publicity release. I will always tell yall what I really think. Just to put all my cards on the table I do ask that any book I review be sent to me (with a few exceptions for books that catch my fancy.) The reason I do this is simple, I cannot afford to purchase a book just to review it.


Now finally, enough business on to the additional rules. My Granma always told me there are 3 thangs you don't discuss with your friends religion, politics and your Momma's cooking.


RULE 7: I don't bad mouth yalls religion so don't make jokes about mine. Before you are tempted to write some snide comment about Baptists, Catholics, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Mormons or some other religion remember the person you are insulting may be the person who can help you.


RULE 8: Lets just not talk Politics. It is the 2nd fastest way to disrupt a list and destroy a friendship. I mean think about it even though most of us are rational intelligent folks some of yall still don't believe in black helicopters (they are real), UFO's, (I have ridden on them), Elvis Sightings (he works at the Jack in the Box in Greenville Texas) and that AT&T is trying to take over the world.


RULE 9: Remember the hiway runs both ways. If you offer to look up something for someone ----- DO IT! Then write them back. If Someone does a look up for you --- THANK THEM!


RULE 10: Another of my Personal pet peeves, If you ask me for info on one of my surnames I'm gonna send it as fast as I can then I'm gonna camp out at the computer waiting to hear back from you. So unless you want me to load up my old truck, my sixteen hunting dogs, and my kids and show up at your house at 3AM on Christmas morning ANSWER the email. Even if it is just to say "Sorry, no Connection."


Well I'm gonna put up my soapbox now but remember Genealogy should be fun. If you aint enjoying yourself you doing sumptin wrong.


Adios and Keep Smiling



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