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if love is blind it's because sometimes you can't see around your own erection. it's not right, but it's okay. i'm gonna make it anyway. feelin some strong shit here, brooke. you sure you wanna do this?
my feet stink. i gotta do somethin about that.


Suck your finger? Gimme a break.

ballroom dancing... standing on a mirrored floor, can you see up my dress? grab your love when you see it, not a day goes by that you don't think of her and you don't want that to happen ever again... have i ever told you i love you?

everybody aspires to be something more than they are.

would you sell your love for a million dollars?

as i spoke, butterflies wrastled in my stomach and i blinked hard to myself, laughed and hollered because i couldn't believe this was happening and no one was home to hear me smile.

and my oranges are rotten. why don't i ever eat them? feel like playing tag in a closed department store, let's have sex with the mannequins. wait... won't i get a splinter? ouch... all mannequins are female, aren't they. AREN'T THEY?!? why am i thinkin an hour ahead all the time. oh der... he lives in michigan... heh heh.

feel like eatin somethin but i don't know what. gave my mom the damndest look, now we're laughing and we don't know why. i don't answer the phone anymore. why don't i care?

there's a headache comin on.

"You got to break the chains that hold you down, Crush the tyrants to the ground. Freedom cannot be legislated... They can't deny what He's created." - Suicidal Tendencies