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The best cappucino I ever had was at a Conoco in Welsh, Louisiana.

There are other places in the US that have beaches. Mississippi has beaches.

I've never tasted Mississippi rain.

Those cherries are just tearin up my butthole.

Stay away from the chainsaw!

How you gone win when you ain't right within?

That's somethin you pee out of, it's not somethin you put in your mouth.

Mosquitoes keep biting my legs! Grab em and eat em!

You just float around and look at grass!

upside down in a 57 chevy...

You're having a Disney Day, aren't you?

I'm goin in!

You have to take a shower in my poop!

What is a Pooh?

I think Hilary's trying to run for President. Then Clinton can be First Lady again.

I oughtta get a Woody Woodpecker. Na, put it back. But he's cute! He's made a bad name for himself. Why---- OH!!!

Don't know? Don't mow.

Woody Wood-scratcher...

Are you nearsighted or farsighted? Actually, I'm west-sided...

Well I'm here but I don't wanna stay cause you're not around and I'm feelin lonely. Don't move so fast, don't run, cause you might find out, find out I'm the one... and I still feel lonesome. -unwritten law

These things are tearin my mouth up. Swallow em and they'll tear the other end up.

Ma'am, I'm not trying to be personal, but your tag is sticking out.

They smell you, you're in heat!

Brooke's in heat or somethin... -my friends