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Anti-Prom 2000 Pics

(May 13, 2000)

Allow me to point out here that none of us are actually against prom. Each of us had our own reasons for not going, and this was really supposed to be an alternate prom. And to those of you who were supposed to join us and then ended up going to prom at the last minute--that wasn't very nice. But you didn't get to participate in our secret after-prom activity, so I guess we're even. Click thumbnails to see the pics better.

Me standing atop a playground slide during Anti-Prom 2000.

Alice C, me, Judy T, and Jenny H after eating too much barbecue and playing volleyball.

We begin running out of ways to display the Anti-Prom 2000 sign.

Something really funny must have been going on while we were taking photos.

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