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101.3° Fever (Are you think I'm stupid?)

This isn't really a poem; it's me playing with my sister's glitter pens on the fourth day of my mysterious fever. I couldn't take any more Tylenol after the third day, so I was sweating it off. Susan insisted that I post it because she loves it, and she doesn't want her pens to go to waste.
I don't have a fever in this picture.

101.3° Fever (Are you think I'm stupid?)

Jim is going away.
I sparkle!
Je suis un stylo vert. (I am a green pen.)
I feel like crap!
Kitty Mosaic!
The burn eats at my delicate brain tissue
I long for refuge
Cool green leafy mint
Inviting chill envelops
Smoothing away the searing desolation
Black and blue beneath the surface
That's all I have left of him
Bound by forever promises
All I am now is a receptacle for sorrow
And I used the wrong color