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True Luv!

Please don't read this if lovey-dovey poems sicken you. My sister and I both wrote bad poems in honor of Bad Poetry Day (August 18, 2001), and even I felt sick as I was writing this. I drew on my past experience as one of the Dimensions editors to extricate the worst poetry techniques ever. Just for the record, I've never had Tang or blue raspberry JELL-O (which, in actuality, is called Berry Blue).
Structural aids are our friends!

True Luv!

The moment I saw his dark blue bed sheets I knew!
Because my bed sheets are dark blue, too!

We were each other's destiny!
In his strong arms I'm comfy!

La la la la LA! La la la la LA!
A hip, hop, a hippety day!

We both like blue raspberry JELL-O!
And we really hate to do the tango!

I love him ever so much!
With kisses and hugs and such!

I call him Sweet Thang!
And he calls me Miss Tang!
(Because I love Tang so much!)

He looks cute in blue and gray!
When I see him, I wanna say "Hey!

"Take me to the movies, take me to the beach!
I don't care where as long as you're within reach!

"Take me to the school dance, take me to the river!
Golly, Billy! I'd love that more than liver!"

He'll always be my hunny!
And I'll always be his bunny!

Our luv! Is so strong!
It's even more popular than Pong!

(clean ending)
He's definitely my sweetie!
I just know we'll always be!

The End!