To Links about the Ancient Pueblo Peoples ("Anasazi")
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To Outline of Class Discussion
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General Links for the Ancient Pueblo Peoples
The Anasazi's Ancestors - article
Anasazi Archaeology - Mainly tourism page but map and general info
South Western Archaeology - Extensive list of links for the southwest
Prehistoric Peoples of the Southwest - Course outline with notes and illustrations, very helpful
Lost City Museum - excellent photos of artifact
Treading in the Past - Sandals of the Anasazi - Everything you need to know about sandals
Archaeological Sites of the Southwest
Mesa Verde National Park
Mesa Verda National Park
GORP - Mesa Verde National Park - Colorado
The Anasazi Desert People - Article, photo, links
Anasazi Civilization - Mainly for tourism but some info here
The Anasazi - Article, photos, links
Anasazi - Indian Village State park, photos, brief information
Anasazi Ruins - Links
Sandia Pueblo - Article
San Felipe Pueblo - Article
Ancient Pueblo Great House Yielding Unexpected Findings - Article with photos
The Sinagua (Western Anasazi) - Article, photos, links
Anasazi Pottery Restoration
Goat Hill Site - paper
Anasazi - article
Anasazi - article and links
Anasazi Baskets and Pottery - article, diagrams, and photos in black and white
Anasazi Culture - Photo and description of pottery
Archaeology of the Southwest - Anasazi
Anasazi Cliff Dwellers - A Virtual Tour - nifty
Anasazi - Photos, article
Sipapu - Anasazi Emergence into the Cyber World - very helpful overview with illustrations
Anasazi - brief overview of development
Anasazi Heritage Center - Lots of information
Social Strife May Have Exiled Ancient Indians - New York Times article
Anasazi - brief article
Anasazi Sacred Sites - photos, article
Mystery of the Ancient Ones - Historic travel article
Anasazi Site Planning - Scholarly article with photo
Southwestern Indian Civilizations - Anasazi - Image gallery with explanations
Anasazi - article, photos
The Southwest - Hohokam, Anasazi, Mogollon - lecture notes
Anasazi Pictography - article and lots of photos
Anasazi - Early Phase - article; continues beyond early phase through links
Anasazi - map, brief article
Chaco Canyon Culture Links
Chaco Canyon Prehistoric Buildings
Chaco Canyon
Chaco Canyon - Center of Anasazi Culture
Chaco Canyon - Supernova Pictograph
Chaco Canyon
Chaco Culture National Historic Park
Chaco Canyon East Anasazi Archaeology
Chaco Canyon Gallery
Chaco Canyon
Onroute Destinations - Chaco Canyon
Chetro Ketl Great Kiva 3-D Model
Chaco Canyon
General Pueblo Resources
Pueblo Indians
Pueblo Cultural Center
Pueblo Pottery Exhibit
Sipapu-Chetro Ketl Great Kiva
How the Pueblo People Learned to Create Pottery
The Earth Survives: 1400 Years of Pueblo Pottery
Desert Peoples & Culture
New Mexico: Travel and History
PaleoGraphics: Designs of the Southwest
Southwest Native Americans
The Pueblo Revolt
Salina Pueblo Missions National Monument
The Spanish Entrada & Pueblo Revolt
Indian Ruins of the Southwest
Indigenous Peoples of New Mexico
Pueblo Pottery - article with photos
Jemez Pottery
Southwestern U.S. - Northwest New Mexico - useful site with map, illustrations, outline of discussion
Salinas Pueblo Missions - guide
The Tigua of Texas
Outline of Class Discussion: The Ancient Pueblo Peoples (Anasazi)
The term "Anasazi" has come under criticism from today's Pueblo Peoples since it is a Navajo word meaning "ancient enemies"
Long sequence of developmental stages
Basket Maker (1-400 CE) abundance of fine quality basketry; basically Desert Culture life;
by 100 CE began settling down; dogs domesticated; Mogollon
influenced pottery or some suggest Caddo influences.
By 400-700 Modified Basket Maker Stage - pit houses often in caves or rock overhangs of cliffs;
cotton and beans added; bow and aroow, stone ax came into use, turkeys domesticated
By 700 development quickened - more foods, gardens expanded, drafts/arts
flourished; surplus led to lesire time with expanded interest in esthetic and spiritual impulses
By 700, contiguous rooms - "Pueblos" - from Spanish word "town"
Families joined together, became bigger and bigger - apartments
Pit houses turned into round subterranean ceremonial chambers called "kivas"
Pueblos also developmental stages - at peak, Great Pueblo period - 1100-1300 CE;
classic age of beautiful textiles, pottery, jewelry;
kivas smaller
Included Chaco Canyon Cultures (11 major sites, hundreds of smaller sites)
Tower-like structures and other new architectural forms appeared
Life in Pueblos:
A. Close knit units, individual subordinated to the group
B. Generally good-natured and peaceful (Hopi means "peaceful ones")
C. Did fight fiercely in defense but not offensive
D. Directed by religious societies - theocracies
E. Seems to have been no class structure
F. Religion permeated all of life
G. Pueblo men are said to have devoted a least 1/2 time to religious activities
H. Numerous dieties and beneficent spirits called Kachinas (Katcinas)
(1) No women and children in kivas
(2) pits of kivas symbolized Sipapu - a place of great mystery in the north where men had first entered the world from the underground
(3) "scare Kachinas" masked, whipped bad out of young boys as preliminary initiation
(4) Most well-known kachina - Kokopelli, a fertility kachina
I. Rigidly conformist society; individualistic - witches
J. Also one of most tranquil and cooperative in world
K. Practiced intensive agriculture
L. Matrilineal so women owned crops, houses, furniture
M. Dryland farming; in east, river bottoms
N. Communal rabbit hunting; gathering
O. Men wore loincloth of cotton with second piece over in sort of kilt; sometimes pancho-like shirt; women cotton garments tied above
right should secured with belt
P. Men wore hair with bangs and knot in back but loose in ceremonies; women variety including Hopi and Zuni coiled hair symbolized squash blossom; older women
wore braids
Q. Women did cooking and much of construction of houses; made excellent pottery and basketry although not weavers
R. Monogamists; little courtship or emotion; divorce simple, put his stuff out
From 1300 to 1540 prospered in new locations including Chihuahua and Phoenix areas
New traits appeared including lead glaze pottery, murals on kivas, roots of Kachina "cult",
But at peak also began to decline and disappear on northern and western frontiers
Return to Desert Culture - and many had continued to live this lifestyle throughout Pueblo period -
Yuman-speaking peoples like Havasupais, Walapais, Yavapais, Mohaves, Hakhidhomas, Maricopas, Yumas, Cocpas, and Utaztecan-speaking Chemehuevis
About 1450 large scale withdrawals; by time Europeans arrived, many Pueblos abandoned
Don't know why - theories include change in climate, erosion, hostile invaders, intrapeublo factionalism, all of the above
But, Zuni and Hopi remain - inheritors of Ancient Pueblo Culture
Largest Pueblo today that of Zuni in Western New Mexico - about 2500 people
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