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Gayles Place

Hello everyone. Welcome to my small place on the web where I have decided to let you know all about my little business. I like to paint designs and scenes on walls. I have placed several pictures on the page to let you see what it is that I have done. I hope you enjoy them.

Bank Painting 1

My Background
I'm origionally from Waco, Tx and moved at an early age to Odessa, in west Texas. I went to Permian High School there and graduated in 1976. I then married my high school sweetheart in 1978, and moved to Dallas while he completed school. After he finished, we moved back to Odessa and started raising a family. After 3 kids, I decided to learn to do something that I liked and started learning how to do some crafts.  I found I had a knack for painting and really enjoyed it.

My husband accepted a transfer to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. Talk about a change of pace.

After spending 2 years there, we were transfered to Victoria, Tx, and have been here since then.

Please sign my guest book and give me some feedback about my work. I would love to hear what you think about my work.

My Interests
I love to bowl, paint, sing, travel, hike, and especially keep in touch with my maker. I dearly love my family and my church family.I really enjoy my quiet time each day.  I also love my new job that I have that lets me meet new people all the time.

Below is a picture of me actually working.

Bank Painting 2

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Links to My Favorite Sites

Larry's Page

Morgan's Page

Jarrods Page

My Pictures Page 1

My Pictures Page 2

My Pictures Page 3

Pictures of the bank lunchroom.

Pictures of a baby's nursery.

Pictures of the kids

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