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Peanut's Story

I wanted a puppy and my boyfriend at the time wanted to buy me a dachshund. We looked in the newspaper and called around. Originally I wanted a black and tan male dachshund, but I couldn't find one. I later found a woman who had one boy--a tannish/red color. I really didn't want a tan dachshund, but I decided to just look at him anyway. I met her at a pet store parking lot. The woman opened the cage and Peanut ran out and he licked my face. I instantly fell in love and bought him. I named him Peanut because he's the color of a peanut and he looks like a peanut when he curls up to sleep. At the time he had a big head on a little body. He used to pick up dried leaves in the yard and carry them around. He became attached to a female bichon named Maddie.
Maddie and Peanut

They would play for hours. When I would take him inside, he would lay his head down and look at me sadly. Eventually we moved away and later on Harrison came into my life and filled the void that Maddie had left.

Peanut's Birthday: February 17, 1997.
Nicknames: Mr. P, Peanutbutter.
Likes: walking, playing, food and treats. He also enjoys lying in the sun during the day and lying underneath the bed covers at night.