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All about meee

Hello. Why on earth did you come to this page? Oh, I guess you wanted to know who on earth I was, didn't ya? hahahaha :p I'm in a funny mood this morning so pardon me! :) Just to summarize me: I'm a 16 year old gurl from East Texas. I've been a Christian since September of 97 :) Our ex-youth pastor had taken us to his old church in another town, to see a play called "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames" it was wonderful!! It made me realize what I was missing out on in life.... which was JESUS!! After a LONG time of backsliding, and feeling miserable 24/7, we got the net. So, I met some kewl people who showed me that Jesus IS the answer to problems in life!!! :) I'm pretty spiffy with my Walk now, atleast right now :) I feel great :) hehe :) Of course, the purpose of my site is to encourage people with their Walk... and hopefully recruit some soldiers in the army of God! WOOHOO! Goodbye! :) God bless :)

K, here's a survey thingie!!

Name: Cody

Sex: FEMALE (Despite the male name, I'm positive I'm a female!!! lol)

Age: 16 :)

Location: East Texas

Height: about 5'6.. not for sure

Boy/GirlFriend: First of all, I would NEVER have a girlfriend!!! I don't have a boyfriend, when I think I've found something good, something always goes wrong. But that means God has someone better for me, obviously :)

Favorite T.V. Shows: Kids say the darnest things, Once and Again

Favorite Movie(s): She's all that

Favorite Actor(s): Freddie Prinze Jr!!!!! Ryan Philippe!!!

Favorite Actress(es): Sandra Bullock, Rachel Leigh Cook

Favorite Concert: I think Avalon or George Strait would be kewl :)

Favorite Smell: Tommy Hilfiger or Cool Waters

Favorite clothes: jeans and t-shirt

Occupation: Somethin that pays $5.50/hr. LOL

What will you be doing in ten years? I hope I will be a Psychologist or a computer programmer.. not really sure :) We'll see where God leads me!

Favorite book: My cousin, Bumblebee, is spose to teach me to read sometime this week :)

Religion: I don't like religion very much anymore. I call myself a Christian but I believe that most "Christians" are hypocrites.

Nicknames: Lieutenant Cody, Skunkie, Chikin, Skunkiechikin, Blue, Vern, idiot, etc

Favorite cartoon character: SNOOPY!!!!!!!!! I got some snoopy slippers a while back! They are SOOO cute!! But filthy & torn up :( !

I wanna marry: The person God wants me to marry

What type of person I'm looking for: a guy who is devoted to God (not a holy roller but who wants to go to church & be right w/ God & can talk w/ me about God willingly!! :), puts me 3rd (first God, then family, then me), is a deep thinker, does not have issues that would cause him to hurt me, has sense of humor, is tall, has straight teeth... I require too much of them huh? So I guess there really is just one person for everyone, eh? :) God knows who he is... but I guess I'm too bratty to meet him now, heheh :)

Favorite Drink: doesn't really matter, as long as it's not alcohol

Favorite Song: pretty much any country.. but at the moment I'm really into Creed & Collective Soul

Whats in your cd player right now: It doesn't work anymore, I've dropped it so many times!! :(

Zodiac Sign: "Why look at the stars for answers when you can ask the One who created them?" (somethin along the lines of that, it's a quote of Carman)

Favorite Quote: "We need to get to know people and trust them to be who they are, instead, we trust people to be who we want them to be, and when they're not, we cry." (I could go on and on with favorite quotes, that is just one of them!)

Do you drink: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Drinking doesn't take away your problems, Jesus does!!!! :) I know that sounds corny, like somethin all Christians would say, even if they don't mean it.. but it's the truth.. you can't TRY to run from your probs & expect them to go away or be fixed.. you have to trust God to work them out & you need to enivision the positive happening.. or else it won't!

What kind of shampoo do you use: Pantene Pro-V or V05 Raspberry flavored, yummy :D

Favorite Color: dark blue

Favorite sport: volleyball, walking (it's a sport to me:)

Favorite animal: cats, they are too cute!!!

Favorite holiday: doesn't matter

Favorite food: PICKLES!!!!

Words or phrases you overuse: LOL, hehe, ROFL, LMBO, haha (I overlaugh!)

Favorite Baseball team: baseball is BORING

If your arm got cut off how would you feel? I think.. I'd cry.. :*(

Would you go up to anyone and kiss them? nope, but the thought has crossed my mind with several people! (E.S.) j/k!!!!!! hahahahhaa

Would you ever kill someone: no way.. although when I've gotten mad, I've felt like I could kill em!

Do you wear a watch: yep.. $10 walmart special.. the best kind.. LOL.

Have you ever been in love: Nope.. been in lust before.. that's what 99.999999% of people are in.. not love... LOL. So many times I can recall laughing in my mind at people who say they are in love. I go w/ a song that goes.. "It's only love when you're loved in return".. Even if you think it is love, most of the time it is one-sided!! I'm sick of that, it's not real, and there's no reason to settle for it!!

Do you take showers or baths: neither :P hehe :) you'll never know will ya?

Do you like pepsi or coke: COKE!!!! Pepsi is GROSS!

Do you have a split personality: Nope.. some may think so.. but I'm just quiet around people I don't know well

How many kids do you want: I don't want any kids for a long time!!! LOL. I can barely take care of myself.. haha. Would rather establish myself as a successful college graduate before I even get married.. but when does that ever happen? So I dunno..

What will their names: see above

What is under your bed: a BIG possum!!!

What is your major in college: I alweady answered dat!! :)

Current profession: I toad you!

Favorite phrase: have soo many.. but lately it has been this: "Do unto others as WILL be done unto you".. meaning... not that God necessarily punishes you for what you do, but life in general pays you back for what you do. If you are nice to someone, later on, someone will pay you back by bein nice.. but if you are rotten towards others.. watch out!!! Someone in particular better watch his back, lmbo.

Favorite type of music: mostly country but lately I have really gotten into Creed & Collective Soul :)

What do you aim to achieve in life: To be succesful in what I do, to help others as much as I can, and to meet my ONE.

Top 3 favorite icecream flavors: plain chocolate lately.. I do like icecream a lot, Lieutenant Dan!! lol

Favorite radio station: Anything country or snazzy

Person(s) you most admire: Anyone who makes it their goal in life to help others :)

Your bad time of day: Any time, heheh, prolly when I am in serious need of sleep, or when I don't want to wake up.

Place you'd most like to visit: SCHLITTERBAHN'S!! Went there one summer and loved it!!! It was so much fun :D

Least favorite subject in school: Anything having to do with science

Favorite subject in school: English

Favorite sport to watch: volleyball or basketball

Most humiliating moment: hahah you think I'm gonna put it on my website fer you all to read.. well, I will. Just so you can make fun of me :D Naw, but it was pretty bad. I went to my sister's Jr High Graduation and I slipped down the bleachers. Of course I HAD to fall near my mom, she grabbed my arm and was like spinning me on the floor. I was pretty much dancin on my butt LOLOLOL. Everyone was like, "Are you okay, darlin??" LOL. Bleachers are my worst enemies!!!!

Craziest person you know: Don't know.. no one has really topped Judd yet.. met him at a party, briefly.. then a few months later got to know him better. He was snazzy.. just don't let him around your pets or inflatable giraffes.. lol.

What is one thing you have right now that no one else you know has?: A green metro, meep meep!!! hahahahahhaa

Your pet peeve: Guys having facial hair.. can't stand it!!!

Do you remember your first kiss: Yeah

Anything in the future you're anticipating: Going to college, accomplishing what God wants me to.. letting my abilities help other ppl, & finding the right person, being happy w/ them.

What is your dream car: I don't really care... as long as it's not a metro ROFL.

If you had one thing you could change about the last 3 months, what would it be: Do you REALLY want to know? I didn't think so!

What do you think of people being mean to others: I know that it is is not about what is "wrong" with others. It is that the person making fun of others feels insecure about themselves, so they pick others apart in order to make them feel less awful about their ownself. That's the way I think, though many would disagree. Because of course, I am mean, or say mean things about others, and I admit, it is because I have my own faults, and want to reassure myself that I am not alone in what I feel. Heheh I liked that question, it was deep :)

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Probably Phil McGraw or Iyanla Vanzant or Gary Zukav.. they are life strategists :)

What do you think about age differences: I think it depends on maturity. And if both people have no problem with it, I don't think others should. Although other things can definitely effect if it works out in the long run, so.. who knows.

Something important you have learned: Anger is the result of hurt, failure, or frustration, any way you look at it. It's mostly hurt, in my opinion. Another thing.. when you get someone's advice, just because it is what you want to hear or inspires you, it doesn't mean that what they say is going to happen or is what's best for you. Don't rely on a human, seek God to direct your life!

A thought I wanted to add: If you feel that you have been done wrong your entire life, if that is abused physically or emotionally, whatever, then really watch what you do to others. If you know people well & see their behavior, they do one of two things: either treat people the way they have been treated in the past (not intentionally necessarily), or they will do the complete opposite (seeing exactly what they are doing & making sure they try their hardest to not cause anyone pain). I would rather do the latter.. if I don't, I'll be punished again.. but it's all fair I think.. :)