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Someone I don't know's Testimony :)

Dad and Mum had a big fight again. It's kinda scary for my younger sis and I to witness how our parents cursed and attacked each other. We were both overwhelmed with fear, totally at a loss of what to do. All we're capable of was to scream and wail at them to stop. But the fight became more violent. They even used weapons like chairs, etc. At one point, Dad got hold of a chopper, attempting to slash Mum to death. My heart's beating almost stopped. Like someone who's insane, I actually beg my Dad to kill me. Sis just wailed louder than before as she kept bowing at the feet of Dad. Seeing us behaving in this manner, he finally put away the chopper reluctantly. I tried to suppress my fear and emotions as this verse suddenly came to my mind. ~ " For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind. " Yes, I must be strong for I'm the only one who can stop them. "But Lord, I'm really, really scared. Help me. Teach me what to do. I can't go thru' all these without your help." I cried to God. There was a strong prompting, telling me to persuade my parents to phone up a church auntie to seek counsel. So I did. And amazingly, Dad agreed. He couldn't hit my Mum at the same time, while complaining to that auntie on the phone. Hence, the fight came to a stop. I continued to pray hard to the Lord. And I can almost hear Him saying, " My dear child, you shall have love, joy and peace in Me." I was choked with tears by then. I may feel so unloved at home, but I know that God loves me. Nothing can ever stop this great love! Nor even distress or tribulations. And yes, I have joy in me. The joy of being saved and called a child of God. Happiness depends on happenings, but Joy depends on Jesus! Joy of knowing that I'll have victory at the end! By focusing on God's love, I can experience peace despite the situation at home. My sis had hidden herself under her blanket on the bed. She was trembling and sobbing uncontrollably. As I comforted her, I told her what the Lord had shown me. We prayed together. She began to fall asleep. By then, Dad had ended the conversation with the church auntie. However, both of them were still fuming with anger. They kept provoking each other. Before they could fight again, I dragged Mum to my bedroom. Sleeping in the same room was definitely a no-no for my parents. I felt this strong prompting to talk to Dad who's in the hall. We had a heart to heart talk. It was around 4am when Dad decided to sleep. Isn't God great? If not for Him, I'd still be at a loss of what to do. The fight may have ended in tragedy. He had assured me that He's here for me and will never leave me alone in this battle. This is because He loves me dearly. Sometimes, when we face troubles in life, we always try to solve them on our own strength. We fail and feel ourselves even bounded by our circumstances. Thru' this experience, I've learnt that we can always rely on God's faithfulness and power. Till now, my parents still quarrel and fight at times but I know who's in control. My friends, no matter how despondent things may seem, run to the Lord. Only He can turn the situations around!

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulations produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope " Romans 5:3-4.


WOW! I am profoundly shocked by all that has happened the past few days. God is definitely dealing with my heart about other people. There are times I would look at my life and think I had the worst life imaginable, boy was I wrong! What I have went through is absoultely nothing compared to what some people have. This week I have heard horrifying stories and something about a friend in real life, it's so unimaginable. I could weep hours knowing how blessed I am and that I should have never taken it for granted. My heart cries out for these people God has shown me, and I know for sure that it is a sign that I am overcoming my old selfishness. As in the testimony above, I am amazed at how the girl continued to trust in God and never gave up hope. Some tragedies I hear about, I think to myself, "How in the world could they make it thru life like that? I am strong in Christ now, but in the past, I don't know how.. I thank God that the problems I did face in the past weren't as tremendous as some I hear of now, but I have risen above many problems with only the help of God! I wanted to remind you to think of all that God has given you and always remember to thank Him for being with us continuously! Keep His light shining in our hearts!!