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My Testimony

Hi everyone! I decided to rewrite my Testimony because it has been a while since my last one, and of course a lot has happened! Well, I have been a Christian for about a year and a half. I can still remember the night I came to realize the need for Jesus in my life. I was at a play called "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames." It portrayed the places we are in our lives, such as being a lukewarm Christian or putting off following God. Everyone who came to the play could most likely fit themselves into one or more of the situations. I felt total guilt when I saw myself, I knew I wasn't living the way I should. I had grown up going to church, but as a young child, how could you understand what you are hearing? But I guess some of it sunk in though :) It's amazing how something you learned at age 5 is the most useful when you are 15! hehe :) My biggest struggle as a human has always been negativity. Everyone's rude comments or even "assumptions" could send me into the worst sadness I'd ever felt. What is so strange about it is that those worst times seemed to follow after I became a Christian. Like many of us, we say we are Christians but don't follow the way we should. (Of course no one's perfect, cept Jesus! ;) This is commonly referred to as backsliding. Nothing makes us more full of joy than the day Jesus really comes into our lives. But after a while, we tend to let the world put our fire out :( Why though? Don't we know Jesus is our forever friend and the world is our enemy? Why turn to the things of the world in search of love, security, happiness, etc.. when the best of it all is found in the Son of God? Yeah, you are probably thinking, "Well, that's easy to say, but do you actually do it?" See, I didn't know how much the world hated me until things got so bad that I would've given anything to leave it! What I am trying to stress here is that things only get worse and worse the farther you stray from God. You may be the most popular person at school, have all the friends, wear all the right clothes, but does that get us to Heaven? No, because having all the things money can buy and knowing the right people (besides Jesus) wont get you There. But if you can balance the things of the world and still put God first, then you are a very amazing person and I'd love to shake yore hand!!! What I said probably didn't make sense, but I'll explain. When I went to public school I never understood why some people were so "lucky" and "had it all". That was certainly an assumption on my part. Not until a few months ago did it sink in that people can be on top of the world, but if they don't have God, they are nothing! I've learned that God doesn't favor the popular, skinny, beautiful, powerful; He is looking at the heart alone. You can go far in the world, but how far can you go without God? Do you want to go with God, or would you rather leave Him behind and indulge in sin? We all sin, but there is a difference in not realizing what you do and hearing God's Spirit yet ignoring it. When we seek after the things of the world, we may find TEMPORARY enjoyment, but it will all fade, and we will realize (hopefully) that we are looking for something more, which is God. When we seek God first and put our trust in Him alone, things around us begin to look on the bright side!! :) There I go again, drifting subjects, sowwy! Anyway, back to my Walk with God! Getting away from public school has dramatically changed my life. I had so much anger in me at times, I really don't know why I didn't explode every day. Ok, warning: I am changing subjects again. From the outside, people can look at you and say, "They are sweet, stable, and would never do a thing wrong." Luckily I was never driven to do something insane like what we have heard about the past few days: the school shooting in Colorado. I'm not trying to point fingers, but just think about this. On the news the most common remark about the two guys who committed this crime was that they were considered outcast, unpopular. Let us Christians look at ourselves for a minute. Surely we could never be accused of degrading someone, could we? Not necessarily in front of them, but around others and in our minds? A sad statement I hear a lot is "Christians are the worst!! They do exactly what they tell us we shouldn't!" If we were to put ourselves at that High School, would the "Trenchcoat Mafia" say that about us? Or would they get to say, "Finally, someone who accepts me because I am different and is friendly despite what others think!"?? Wait, or do we even have to go to that school to imagine it? What do the people in our own town or school say about our attitude? Would a person unwelcomed by 90% of the people see Jesus in us? Take a good look at yourself and ask the question, "Am I a reflection of Him?" Please don't get the wrong idea about this, I'm not trying to make everyone feel bad, what I'm trying to do is make people realize that the way we show God's love all around us is what we can do to help situations like what happened several days ago. As the song goes, "We can make a difference," even if it's just with a smile, atleast we are trying!! :) Well, I'll try to finish this soon, hehehe :) I feel at my best Spiritually when God has shown me something and I can write it out in hopes it will help someone else! Always smile cause Jesus' love will never fade!! If you ever have a problem, remember, it's never too big for God to handle! Also, I will try to be as much of a support as I can be with your Walk with God!! :) I love you all and God bless!! Also, if you have a Testimony, please send it to me, I would like to put it on my site!! :)