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You're @ 99.9% Sammi Cheng!


    Sammi started out her career in 1988 at the age sixteen. After finishing her education, she pursued her career again. She didn't exactly become a star.

That was then. This is now.

Since 1996, Sammi joined Warner Music, became dubbed as The Queen of Pop Music, started taking in all the awards she could handle, and her career skyrocketed. She starred in Feel 100% 百分百感覺 with Ekin Cheng in a brilliant role, and proceeded to star in the sequel Feel 100%......once more 百分百岩 Feel in the same year, winning Best Female Artist.

She is one of my favorite singers of all time. She has a great talent at singing (Sammi X Live '96 is one of my fave concerts), and is terrificly photogenic. Sammi Cheng was the third person selected to be in 99.9% HK Starz gallery. Go to Sammi's Music page to check out some of her new and old real audio.

Update Section

10.9.1999 ~ Sammi's newest Cantonese CD added to Sammi's Music Section!

7.1.1999 ~ Grand opening of 99.9% Sammi Cheng.

Remember to bookmark us!!!! There's going to be more up soon!!!
Wolfe & Badtz

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This The Official Sammi Cheng WebRing is owned by Lia Wu.
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