The message below is from Miriam Cade Nichol (Class of 69),
I have visited the site and it's great, please register and send in your information
Kyle LeGros
We now have a South Park High School Alumni Association. This association is for anyone that attended SP. We are doing a directory and and we need your complete Name (maiden too), Address, Graduation Date, Job Title, Employer, Employer’s address, Work Number, Residence address, Phone number, Spouse, Childen, Email address, Birthday (for association only). The association wants you to join and be a member. Dues are $ 10.00 per year, per GREENIE. You can send your dues to SPHSAA, PO Box 5448, Beaumont, Texas 77726. We will keep you up to date on association. You may also go to and see when our next meeting is and news of association. You can either email your information to or send to Miriam Cade Nichol, 682 E. Caston, Beaumont, Texas 77705. We hope to hear from you soon
Click below to register...
Reunion 2000 (Sorry, lost pictures)
South Park Area Photos
Born in 1962 ???
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The Beaumont Enterprise
days until the Class of 1980 Reaches Retirement Age !