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Michelle's home page
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Michelle's HOME PAGE

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first homepage.

This is a new experiance for me, as I am learning html. Please bear with me and Please feel free to use the link at the bottom of the page to email me your thoughts, or any sugestions you may have about this site.

I Hope you enjoy the many things I have posted on this site, as I have posted many of my favorit links for you to enjoy.
For example you might see a picture in here of Pierre our waiter, look again he isn't just a picture, he will link you to my favorit chatsite, Were you can find me chatting away under the name of GuitarsWytch.

For anyone that would like to view pictures they can be found in the photo alblum, I haven't posted any on the main page as it takes to long to load, So kick back and enjoy the site.

Meet Pierre, if you click on him he will take you to the best chat site on the net. clicking here goes to a wiccan site.
Dshai's Homepage

clicking this night vision link goes to a friends roleplay paper.

clicking here takes you to a great comemerative page of Dale Earnhardt.

click the eyes to view my photo alblum


Many thanks goes out to Fubar for his help, and his knowledge for my web site.
I would also like to thanks Dshai, and Soundman
for all there excellant help as well.
Thank you all so much, It is realy appreciated.