After cleaning a mess left from the neighbor's cats with our garbage cans, Camryn(5) says,
“If I see anyone mess up those garbage cans, I’m gonna be really angry.
She looks at me and adds,
"For YOU, it’s pissed.”
There are Catholics, Baptists, Episcopol, Methodists, Presbyterians, Prodestants, the list is endless.
Most children hear all of theses titles throughout theirs lives, spoken of in some way, either around them or too them.
Our community is mostly Baptist and Travis asked what religion we were, because we don’t go to the church that most of his friends go to.
A little voice blurts out -
"Mom? You only had wooden toys when you were a kid right?"
Travis, age 9 asked.
"Yes Travis, and Daddy who thinks that is so funny carved his outta stone."
Camryn age 6 asks,
"Mom? When is Eeyore going to get Sadie pregnant?"
"He's not. Eeyore is gelded."
"Ooooohhhhhh, you mean Eeyore checked his period?"