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Trail Riding at BLORA Ranch, Fort Hood, Texas

Welcome to Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area Ranch (BLORA Ranch). Come on in and take a walk with the cattle in the country. We have over 1,500 acres of land to cross at least 5 times a day Wednesday thru Sunday.

We have a wide variety of horses available for you to ride. We have ponies for the kids (11 and under) gentle horses for the tenderfoots, and spirited horses for the wranglers.

Our days start early, so yours don't have to. By the time your rooster crows we've got the horses saddled and ready for you to come out and ride. We offer 1-hour guided trail rides that pass through some of the best scenery in the great state of Texas on Fort Hood......for only $15.00! Some of our competitors are offering rides for twice the amount, and giving half as much! We try to accomadate an overnight ride once a month, weather and riders permitting, and we offer western style riding lessons for those people who don't even know what a horse is, to the experts who are looking for a little more knowledge. For more information about our hours and reservations please call (254)287-2523. Open Wednesday through Sunday and all holidays. For Western Riding Classes come on out and talk to Ken Meeks, Head Wrangler.

We at BLORA Ranch like to have fun and we appreciate the Cowboys-n-Cowgirls Webring supporting our page and awarding us the CNC Excellent Site award. The next time you're in our neck of the woods, come on out and enjoy a great ride, enjoy great company, and have an all around great time. Check out some of the links below to see some pictures of our recent trail party and meet the Head Wrangler and the Ranch Hands. Till then, keep those hats a'tippin!

P.S. Please sign our guest book and tell us what you think about our page and what you would like to see more of. Thanks ya'll!

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This Cowboys-n-Cowgirls site is owned by
Darlene Nutzman.

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Ranch Hand Bios, Pictures, and Driving Directions

Ken Meeks
Darlene Nutzman
Shane Hatchcock
Le Nutzman
Photo Room 1
Pictures from 25 Apr 00
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