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Adopt a Gargoyle

Here You can have Your very own cyber pet. All cyber pets here are Gargoyles, hence the name Adopt a Gargoyle. You MUST read the terms of use to adopt a gargoyle, and you also must post them on your webpage. These gargoyles are not clipart they are pets that you must take care of, however unlike most pets you don't feed them or need to clean-up after them. You may NOT give away or share them. Theese rules and more are outlined in the terms that you must fill out. im sorry if this is an inconvaniance but it must be done so that these pets and there images are not missused. Thank you for your coraperation.

This is Ballow- He helps you to become calm and centered

This is Zooroo- He stands for unlimited posiblity.

This is Raidie- He is the holder of the divine forces of nature.

Please before you order your gargoyle pleace read the terms. i know many poele do not read them before doing anything, but i promise it wount take too long to read.

Your Name

Website URL

What is your email address?

Did you read the terms of use?
Do you want a black or white background?
What Gargoyle(s) would you like to adopt?

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