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MOMS Club of Flower Mound South

The MOMS Club (Moms Offering Moms Support) is an international, nonprofit support group specifically for mothers who have chosen to stay at home with their children. At this time, there are over 900 chapters across the country and 45,000 plus members.

Our local group has plenty of activities to keep you busy:

Monthly meetings with interesting speakers and discussions, children's activities, playgroups, Mom's night out, holiday parties, and much more! We also hold service projects for needy children and families.


Monthly Meeting | Moms' Activities | Children's Activities | Service Projects | Links | Become a Member

Web Page Designed by Belinda Schlee

The name MOMS Club® and slogan Moms Offering Moms Support® are registered and used with permission. This website is designed for informational purpose for the MOMS Club of Flower Mound South, Texas, members and prospective members and meets the website guidelines for local chapters set forth by the International MOMS Club.  ©1999 MOMS Club of Flower Mound South