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AMAETHON : Welsh. God of agiculture. Son of Don & brother of Gwydion. Associated with plowing and husbandry.

ANGUS MAC OG : Irish. God of youth, beauty and love. Name means "young son." Had a harp that created irresistable music and his kisses turned into birds that carried messages of love.

ARAWN : Wales. God of the Dead and underworld Annwn. God of revenge, terror and the dead.

BARINTHUS : Welsh/Anglo-Celtic. Charioteer to residents of Otherworld. Was once supposedly a sea or sun God.

BELATUCADROS : British Celtic God of war. "Fair Shining One."

BELI : Welsh. Primary father God. husband of Don and father of Arianrhod. Minor sun God. Equivalant of Balor.

BORVO : Breton. God of Healing. Means "to boil." Was God of Hot Springs.

BRAN THE BLESSED : Welsh/Pan-Celtic. aka Bran MacFebal. Name means "crow" or "Raven." God of prophecy, arts, war, the Sun, Music and Writing.

CAMULOS : British. War-God. Known from inscriptions and coins with the symbol of a boar.

CERNUNNOS : Pan-Celtic. Known to all Celtic areas in some form. Horned God. God of Nature. God of Underworld and Astral Plane. Great Father.

CONDATIS : British. God who personified waters. Sacred sites were the place where two rivers or bodies of water met.

DISPATER : Continental. Gaulish God. Name means "the father" Primal God of creation. Later merged with Dan and Cernunnos, Horned God. The Gauls believed that they were all descended from him.

DWYVAN : Welsh. He and wife Swyfach are the heros of the Welsh flood myth. They built an ark, filled it with animals and survived the great flood caused by Addanc, a lake God/Dragon/Faery.

DYLAN : Welsh. God of the Sea. Symbol is the silver fish.

ESUS : Breton/Continental. Harvest God. Worshipped in Brittany and Gaul by the Essuvi.

GOVANNON : Welsh. God of smiths and metalworkers. The weapons he makes are deadly in aim and armour is unfailing in protection.

GRANNOS : Scottish/Anglo-Celtic/Continental. Early God of Mineral Springs whole shrines have been found in the English town of Musselburgh, in Auvergne, Farnce and near Edinburgh, Scotland.

GWYDDNO : Welsh. One time a Sea God. Came down in myth as a monster of the fae of the ocean.

GWYN AP NUAD : Welsh. King of the Fae and underworld.

THE HORNED GOD : Pan-Western European. Opener of Gates of Life and Death. Herne the Hunter. Cernunnos. Green Man. Lord of the Wild Hunt. The masculine, active side of nature. Earth Father.

LLUD : Anglo-Celtic/Welsh. In wales, known as Son of Beli. And a Death God.

LUGH : Pan-Celtic. The Shining One. Sun God. God of War. "Many Skilled" or "Fair-Haired One."

MANDRED : Cornish. In Cornish legend, Mandred is the true name ofGod. When pronounced correctly, draws the All-Power to the one speaking it.

MYRRDIN WYLLT : Welsh. Woodland God who grew feathers so he could leap from tree to tree.

OGHMA : Scottish/Irish. God of Communication and writing. Invented the Ogham Alphabet and gave it to the druids.


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