Stitch-N-Time Webring
Welcome to the Stitch-N-Time Webring
From here you can:
*Join the webring
*Look at other sites within the ring
*Edit your ring site
What is the Stitch-N-Time webring?The webring is a group of websites belonging
to people who love to cross stitch. The sites can be personal or commercial
they can have a page devoted to cross stitch, but a section
with good cross stitch links is ok also.The websites are linked together via the ring.
Want to join the Stitch-N-Time webring?To become a member you must meet the following requirements:
1. You must love to cross stitch.
2. Your site must contain at least a few good cross stitch links.
3. Your site cannot contain violence, pornography, unacceptable language
or any other objectionable material
4. You must be willing to place the webring on the main page
of your website or on a page that is linked to your main page.
To become a member of the ring, follow these steps.

Download these graphics to your hard drive.Or this one

Copy and paste the HTML fragment that you will receive via email to your page.
You must change the following items in your HTML fragment:
*The URL for your image source
*Your ID number that you will receive via email
*Your email address
*Your name
The last step is to fill out the form below.
If you have any problems you can
email the ringmistress for help.
To edit your site, fill out this form:
© 1999 Stitch-N-Time