🕉This Website and the self-conjured, conjured self / action figure, that had once accepted a birthname as :: ( "Richard Ty Trevino" ) has made use of the English language, as a direct communication, appealing to that which we are not, that is simply a temporally, temporary, apparent appearance, for an indeterminate duration, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time, to point-out, that absolutely everything and no-thing, is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum, as the infinitudinal complexification of 'The Absolute ~Brahman, that is temporally, temporarily, impermanently appearing, as 'Maya' of which no-body apparently appears separate as an "everybody-and-everything-else" dream-like, 3rd-dimensionally-based construct, reality frame.
🕉'THIS' is and 'THIS' is not. 'THIS' is not exclusively so, and 'THIS' is not exclusively not so. 'THIS' is sharing a mystery, apparently appearing as a paradox. The paradox is that 'THIS', is exclusively so and not so. 'THIS' is no-thing apparently appearing as everything. 'THIS' is emptiness apparently appearing as fullness. 'THIS' is 'The Absolute' ~Brahman unification, apparently appearing as division; separation; and individuation, via innumerable illusions of 'Maya' for no exclusively so and not so reason, meaning, and purpose. There was never a beginning to everything and no-thing, and there will never be an ending to everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉That which has been presented, as information readily available to everybody, although associated with Advaita Vedanta / Non-Duality / Nondualism, is not a work of my own, that neither belongs to "me" and neither belongs to "you", nor can be claimed to belong to anybody else, since "you" and "me" and anybody else, does not stand alone to exist independently :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.
🕉I do not claim that the information is "my work."
🕉Nobody can claim to "have" work of their very own that stands alone, in this or that format, simply because, there is no separation, where there is somebody, whom is existing upon fixed positions "in" space and time, whom can use what they believe they know, in some particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody whom believes that they own their very own "work" that belongs to them-self, as though they are a separate person, that is especially unique in some particular way, compared to everybody and everything else.
🕉It is simply information that is either read, or not read, for no particular meaning, reason, and purpose, other than to starve the questioner. Everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, need not be questioned.
🕉Reading the information does not avail anybody a skillfull means and advantage to use the information :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after a self-conjured conjured self, whom believes that they are a separate reader, whom is reading information that can be used in some particular way, to their advantage.
🕉The information can of course, be perceived as though it is formatted in some particular way, or that the information can be reduced into smaller sections, or changed into some other particular format.
🕉Just as the Bhagavad-gita appears as it is, so too does the manner by which the information has been presented in the angelfire.com domain.
🕉It is information that is not required to be in any particular format, volume, or size. Take it or leave it just as it appears. Either way does not matter.
🕉Nobody "gets all this and that innumerable conditional dualities." I don't "get it;" You don't "get it;" "We" don't "get it;" "They" don't "get it," and the "Me" as a self-conjured, conjured self, definitely cannot; will not, and does not "get it."
🕉Since there has never been anything to be gotten in the first place.
🕉The ease by which the so-called emotion :: "anger" can be so easily expressed, seemingly originates and stems from a natural reaction, to that which epitomises a separate sense of self's rebellion and frustration, towards the sobering fact, that it has no control over a life that a self-conjured, conjured self believes that it should possess, that includes all personal rights to claim one's very own existence in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or any specified place.
🕉The self conjured, conjured self, wants and desires, to claim a life of its very own, to include all personal facets and endeavours, of a life that it believes belongs to itself.
🕉And such a self conjured, conjured self, should naturally possess all personal rights to fashion, modify, and claim a life of their very own, with free will, choice, accord, and volition :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself...to always be continued...as a story of a self conjured, conjured self, continues to go on, ad infinitum.
🕉Everything and nothing is always inseparably complete; whole; and in perfect harmony and balance as it has always been.
🕉There's nothing to be gotten. There is simply "Empty Fullness."
🕉Everything and nothing is inseparably so and not so.
🕉Nothing ever needs to be created, added, or removed.
🕉There is no creation. Nothing stands alone.
🕉One without a second. There is no separation.
🕉Everything and nothing is not a creation of anything in particular.
🕉Interestingly enough...nobody actually starts-out being born religious in the first place.
🕉Turns out that all so-called "newborn human babies" are not much different than a baby animal.
🕉Then, "in" time, for about an average duration of "12 to 18 months" when the "newborn human infant" body-mind / action figure, gradually begins to develop a mind, the mind of that "newborn human infant" body-mind / action figure begins to contemplate how and why it is alive.
🕉Interestingly enough...a separate sense of self then gradually begins to rationalise and make claims about itself, and formulates a degree of awareness, with proclamations about itself, via a mental state [ consciousness ] that gradually convinces the "newborn human infant" body-mind / action figure, to use it as its host, and convince them, that they are a separate, individually independent, separate entity, that is unto itself.
🕉Then, the mental thought system may continue to begin using more sophisticated processes of acting as a "parasitic movement" to use the mind of the "newborn human infant" and influence them in such a way, that causes the "newborn human infant" mind to self-conjure the development of a separate sense of self-identification and "terminal uniqueness." And that such a person should strive to continue becoming a better version of whatever one may begin to believe that it is especially unique with all the meanings, reasons, and purposes that it may self-conjure :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.
🕉That then becomes far more susceptible to religious beliefs, once the "newborn human infant" has become conditioned to learn and be taught how to communicate with what it must presume are other individuals that were born the same way that it had been born, into a type of "shared reality" comprised of "everybody and everything else" who are also just as it too has and will become, as a so-called self-conjured, conjured self.
🕉And then, the idea that it has and will become part of a "societal structure" with the continued influences of the mental state, that it has and will be gradually conditioned and indoctrinated into that "societal structure," that eventually over-rides the innocence of the "newborn human infant" to become self-convinced and conditioned to believe that it can independently think and rationalise for itself, to ultimately become self-reliant :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself. And thus, a "Cosmic Joke" is born.👼
🕉Everything and nothing has always been "set-up" just as it continuously, infinitudinally, apparently appears to arise, as the infinitudinal complexification of finite-ness :: as always, in ALL ways, infinitudinal apparent appearances, disappearances, and re-appearances of absolutely everything and nothing inseparably so and not so.
🕉Everything and nothing inseparably so and not so, is neither not exclusively permanently so, nor not exclusively impermanently so.
🕉Everything and nothing has never had a beginning and will never have an end.
🕉Everything and nothing inseparably so and not so is temporally temporary as not "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, for an indeterminate duration.
🕉This is so and not so, since the "Alpha & Omega" is beginning-less and end-less; time-less; bound-less; and fulfilled perfection. "The Absolute" ~Brahman.
🕉🕉Nobody "personally experiences" "awakenings." That is so and not so, since there are no single, individuated, humanly corporeal units of qualia consciousness energy forms, that are existing upon a permanently so, fixed position, "in" space and time, and as though independently separate from everybody and everything else.
🕉It only apparently appears to be this, that, or some other particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a self conjured, conjured self, as one of innumerable conditional dualities :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a self conjured, conjured self.
🕉"We" are all, always, in ALL ways, awake to being awake, as energetic movements of "awakenings" that are always, in ALL ways, inherently "on" in all spaces and all times, throughout the Infinite Universe of infinitudinal complexification.
🕉And although, that too, is also seemingly temporally temporary, for an indeterminate duration, "in" space and time and not "of" space and time :: "The Absolute" ~Brahman, is everything and nothing that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉Everything is naturally and beautifully itself. By being so, everything is absolutely realised already. Nothing is also not being exclusively so. Nothing is also not being exclusively not so.
🕉However, there is neither someone becoming aware of this, that, or the other, nor is there someone arriving in this, that, or the other.
🕉There is no exclusive liberation. There is no exclusive, permanent bondage. There are not exclusively many. There are not two. There is not one that stands alone. There is no separation.
🕉Both one without a second, and innumerably immeasurable countenance of infinitudinal complexification, as absolutely everything and nothing, inseparably so and not so, as "The Absolute" ~Brahman.
🕉There is only what apparently appears and what does not apparently appear :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody, for no apparent reasons; meanings; and purposes.
🕉Since it is SEEMINGLY so and not so, that nobody is ever born, and nobody ever dies, as a separate individual person, whom is thought to matter more or less than somebody else - there are STILL, these and those SEEMINGLY apparent appearances, of what are BELIEVED to be, innumerable living "human beings," who are BELIEVED to be SEEMINGLY in the act of SELF-CONJURING innumerable ideas, via, what is thought to be, thinking and believing, from a separate mind of one's very own.
🕉And that that is SEEMINGLY accessed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; on; off; upon; here; there; near; far; between; around; before; and after, that which is SEEMINGLY referred to, and believed to be, an originally, specifically special, terminally unique, separate individual person, whom is constantly believed to be in motion, and accessing innumerable self-conjured thoughts, ideas, and concepts, via an apparent "conduit" that is referred to as :: "Consciousness" / " The Mental Thought System."
🕉Therefore, there are no individual human beings, whom are "being"/"in the act of existing" separately, upon a permanent, physically solid planet, that is THOUGHT to be filled with, a few billion, individual "human beings" who are also PRESUPPOSEDLY BELIEVED to be existing, exclusively real and individually separate, as a steady countenance of population, upon a physically real planetary abode, that is also PRESUMABLY BELIEVED to be astronomically affixed upon some specific orbital perturbation, within an infinitudinally complexified Universe.
🕉The SELF-CONJURED, CONJURED SELF, SELF-CONJURES innumerable dualistic beliefs, thoughts, and/or concepts - that are filled with meanings, reasons, and purposes :: to; by; for from; about; with; on; off; upon; here; there; near; far; between; around; before, and after, that which has been SELF-CONVINCED to SELF-CONJURE, that they are a separately original, terminally unique, individual person, whom had a beginning when they were born, to live a life of their very own, with free will, choice, accord, and volition, for a permanently, indeterminate, temporally, temporary duration, "in" space and time, that is also believed to be "of" space and time, when that is not exclusively so.
🕉There is simply that which is BOTH so AND not so, as everything AND no-thing, inseparably so AND not so, simultaneously BOTH real AND unreal; observable AND unobservable; knowable AND unknowable, with no particular, specific reason; meaning, and purpose behind everything and no-thing- that is always in ALL ways, as 'The Absolute'~Brahman.
🕉Although, the self-conjured, conjured self, believes in living a life, that is filled with one's very own personal experiences and terminal uniqueness - that is not the same as "awake to being awake," during every apparent moment, "in" space and time - as well as a natural "default position" so-to-speak, as inherently aware to being aware, and an inherent freedom WITH Advaita, "The Absolute" ~Brahman, that is freedom :: to; by; for; from; about; with; on; off; upon; here; there; near; far; between; around; before, and after, absolutely any and all thoughts, that neither needs to be entertained, nor claimed as belonging to somebody, since thoughts ultimately belong to nobody.
🕉Each self conjured, conjured self, believes to be seemingly "living-out" two separate types of lives.
🕉The first type of life, that is allegedly self-conjured, is claimed as a self-conjured, conjured self's life, that is thought to be lived, as a beginning of one's very own birth, since the sense of a separate self, seemingly accompanies all "conceived" body-minds / action figures, that are taken to be permanently real, physically solid, and mortally susceptible to the aging process of gradual decay and entropy, of its appearances, immediately after, what it believes to be its very own "conception" as a "new-born body-mind / action figure" whilst eventually and gradually learning, "in" space and time, all about its very own apparent appearances, that will eventually be "self-evident" and observable in mirrors, "in" space and time, with what will be believed to be their very own self-image to cast upon mirrors, to seemingly self-conjured, self-actuated impressions of reflections, as to what will eventually be pre-supposedly self-conjured, as one's very own reflections in mirrors.
🕉This will also be seemingly permanently so, despite the fact that nobody is "of" space and time. The self-conjured, conjured self, believes in living its very own life, with personal experiences, that will also eventually end, whilst self-identifications, with what a self-conjured, conjured self believes to be its very own body and mind, will inevitably be believed to be the end of their personal life, by dying.
🕉And so, as a body-mind / action figure continuously begins to be using, what it believes to be its very own self-awareness; self-sentience, and / or self-awake-ness, to conjure a sense of a separate self, they gradually begin to develop reinforced self-conjured beliefs, with one of innumerable conditional dualities, that are taken to be permanently and personally so, and believed to be owned, as one's very own body-mind, that was believed to be born and conceived, with a particularly unique beginning, along with an accompanied birth name and birth rite, that it will use, to eventually embark on a mortal quest of personal experiences, for an indeterminate and impermanent duration, "in" space and time.
🕉Despite the fact that "we" as "energy fields" are timeless; boundless; endless energy fields, that are temporally temporarily animating apparent appearances as human corporeal, body-minds / action figures, for an indeterminate duration of impermanence, "in" space and time.
🕉That is both so and not so, since "we" as "energy fields" are also not "of" space and time. In this illusory, dream-like, shared reality, but not "of" this illusory, dream-like, shared reality.
🕉And yet, the self-conjured, conjured self, more than often, dismisses such facts, as that which is to be taken, and / or construed as being just another separate part and aspect :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is believed to be one's very own, personal, self conjured, conjured self, that will be continuously, and exclusively living-out its very own personal life, with its very own free will; choice; accord, and volition.
And that such actions need or need not be carried-out, using a set of skillfull means or particular precepts of actions, as personal doings.
🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, continuously seemingly supports and develops all manner of newly discovered and applied conditional dualities :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after itself, which includes a personal life, filled with what is believed to be a life of one's very own, with one's very own original thoughts to entertain, that are believed to be thoughts of one's very own.
🕉And as though, they will also begin to embark upon an eventual and gradual, further integration, that is to be part of a personalised, shared reality.
🕉And that they will all, eventually need to begin learning how to go about mingling within a "societal structure," that is also believed to become part of one's very own personal, life-long shared reality with others, as everybody and everything else in that "societal structure" who will be seemingly sharing a version of a dream-like reality, that will be agreed upon, to have somehow been set-up, upon a "planetary abode" long before the very first alleged appearances of body-minds / action figures, had somehow, seemingly began to make visibly observable appearances, based on some of the most acceptable historical accounts, within some type of pre-ordained "societal structure." And that that had somehow developed into what had somehow began to be referred to, as one of several different versions, of a "Story of Earth."
🕉The first type of life, that is allegedly self-conjured, is the self-conjured, conjured self's personal life, that is thought to be lived, at the beginning of one's very own birth, that is fully equipped with one's very own body-mind / "action figure" - since the sense of a separate self, seemingly accompanies all "conceived" body-minds / action figures, that are taken to be permanently real, physically solid, and mortally susceptible to the aging process of gradual decay and entropy, of what it takes to be its very own originally unique physical appearances, that accompanies, what it believes to be, its very own "conception" as a "new-born body-mind / action figure" whilst eventually and gradually learning, "in" space and time, all about its very own apparent appearances, that will eventually be "self-evident" and visibly observable in mirrors, "in" space and time, with what will be believed to be their very own self-image to cast upon mirrors, to seemingly self-conjured, self-actuated impressions of reflections, as to what will eventually be pre-supposedly self-conjured, as one's very own reflections in mirrors.
🕉And that they will also be constantly sharing that reality, with an "everybody and everything else," as though that is another type of life that is simultaneously lived with one's very own personal life experiences, at all present times.
🕉Those two lives, are construed as the dual-nature of Advaita and freedom from that duality – the "not-two-ness of Advaita" – is when thoughts are absent and the self conjured, conjured self's experiences of the present, is all that remains, without any particular attachments to any conditional dualities, which is the "oneness of Advaita."
🕉It does not matter "where" a "you" or an "I" or a "me" or a "we" or an "us" will believe to be conjuring ideas regarding "from" or "to" or "by" or "for" or "about" or "with" or "upon" or "around" or "before" or "after" something or somewhere, since all pronouns and nouns are irrelevant, unless held by a separate sense of self, that self-conjures such ideas, that regard one's self as being :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after some fixed position "in" space and time, when that is not exclusively so.
🕉Every subject ever discussed about, between that which believes it is communicating with other separate people, in a shared reality, is believed to be permanently and physically so, as though each person, whom claims that they have learned to be a human being, is of their very own free will choice, accord and volition, to be wholeheartedly, undoubtedly, and unquestionably believed to be truly so.
🕉And that that is just as it has always seemingly been learned to be so, because we consider ourselves as part of a societal structure, that is believed to be especially set-up to accommodate us, as a human race, on a planet that we have agreed upon, to be referred to as Earth.
🕉In all agreements that are discussed between what are considered to be physically, permanently, and solid individuals, within a shared reality, are presumed to be the way that everything must continually be seemingly so.
🕉And that everything apparently appears to be simply so, because we have learned to know what we know, with everybody else, who are believed to be agreeably associated with a societal structure, that is believed to be set-up as a shared reality of permanence.
🕉Since we have learned to know what we know, we also agree to believe everything that we believe that we know. Since we also believe, that each of us, is a separate person in this world, that we consider to be a shared reality, is always being experienced by a separate person referred to as "you and I."
🕉You and I are believed to be separate people, in what is referred to as a "Shared Reality" so-to-speak, because we have agreed to believe that we possess equal abilities of believing in what we have learned, as to how and why we exist as separate individual human beings.
🕉Body-minds / action figures, are believed to have learned to agree believing that each of us are separate and uniquely so, with a life of our very own to live, that is filled with personal experiences of that life, believed to be lived, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.
🕉It had learned to believe that there are always innumerably different things to learn :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after a life that had been believed to be all about the personal experiences, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a life believed to be one's very own life to experience, in one of innumerable ways, based primarily upon personal experiences.
🕉There apparently appear to be human corporeal body-minds / action figures, of innumerable countenance, that are thought to be believed as though apparently appearing to appear, in one of innumerable ways :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after everybody else, who are also thought to be personally experiencing life, with independently driven lives of their very own, that comprises a societal structure, that is believed to be sharing the same version of reality, that is inconspicuously self-conjured.
🕉And that this must be regarded as an agreement, that is associated with the idea, that we must wholeheartedly accept beliefs, that there are separate individual people, who are apparently appearing to be living a life that belongs to themselves, upon various, particular places, "in" space and time, when in fact, nobody ever does anything of their very own free will choice, accord and volition.
🕉It is simply so and not so, because nobody exists independently of their own accord and volition. It is simply thought to be believed to be exclusively so, in some particular way, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody, when nothing is ever happening in some exclusively, particular way all along. Absolutely everything is apparently appearing to be happening, as always, in ALL ways, throughout the Infinite Universe of "The Absolute" ~Brahman and in all spaces and all times.
🕉Every experience that is believed to be personally so, is also based on a seemingly "5-fold perspective-based" principle, that there are specifically comprised of 5 conscious contact points, to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a body-mind / action figure that is believed to be continuously using a body-mind / action figure in some particular way, upon some particular place, "in" space and time.
🕉And that that must be claimed as one's very own personal experiences, to create one's very own personal choices of personal experiences, via the use of what is believed to be one's very own claimed body-mind / action figure, that is also believed to be permanently so, and filled with personalised experiences, as what are believed to be one's very own personal life experiences to live, filled with one's very own :: personal sights; sounds; feelings; tastes, and smells.
🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, has naturally agreed to believe in such conjurings, simply because it had been exposed to such beliefs, that would continuously be reinforced, in the impermanence "of" space and time :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after the apparent appearances of separate body-mind / action figures, that are believed to be independently separate from everybody and everything else.
🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, has learned that this is the way everything has always been :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is believed to be, as though there are innumerable, other separate people, existing upon a shared reality, with other separate individuals, who are also living their very own lives, as though they are leading and directing their own lives in exclusively, particular ways :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after themselves.
🕉And as though everything is believed to be apparently appearing in various, particular ways, that always caters :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after ourselves, as we continuously agree that we are existing separately from one another, as individuals, whom are believed to be separate from each other, and everything else, in what is believed to be a shared reality, that we must agree to believe is exclusively so. And to accept and unquestionably believe in such a belief, that we are all undoubtedly living our very own lives, upon that shared reality.
🕉It has been agreed upon, to believe whatever we may choose to agree believing, that can be learned to be true, if that which we believe is collectively true. And that that must also be based on our agreements with one another, that are unquestionably so.
🕉We have learned to know what each of us believe to be agreeably known, because we believe that each of us have learned what we know, based on our very own free will of personal choice, accord, and volition.
🕉Nothing has ever been, nor will ever be, in some exclusively, particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody, and for no particular reason, meaning, and purpose, other than however "The Absolute" ~Brahman apparently appears to appear, of its own accord and volition, ad infinitum.
🕉Nobody exists alone, as though they can "set into motion" some exclusively significant events to happen. That is another one of innumerable ways, that the self-conjured, conjured self, stays busy with itself, conjuring ideas that they are separate people, living separate lives, "setting into motion," their very own uniquely so, sets of actions to happen "in" space and time, as though that significantly matters.
🕉No particular event is happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after somebody, who believes that they are a separate person, whom can experience separate happenings, other than what's already always happening in all spaces and all times.
🕉What is often "overlooked" and "heard" in this message, behind the facts about 'Advaita'/'Nonduality' is that there is no separation. Therefore, there are no separate individual people, who are more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.
🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is more or less terminally unique; living a life of their very own that matters; more or less than a life, that is believed to be lived by anybody else.
🕉We are so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that it is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply inherently on, awake to being awake, all the time.
🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporary apparent appearances, apparently appearing, disappearing, and reappearing, for an indeterminate, impermanent duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as what are thought to be exclusively real and permanent, significantly so, self-conjured claims, that are believed to be required to be, but cannot ever be claimed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after anybody.
🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity.
🕉There is no separate individual person whom is ever more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.
🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is thought to be significantly and permanently so, as more or less terminally unique than anybody else.
🕉That is so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply always inherently on; awake to being awake, all the time.
🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporarily, apparently appearing, as innumerable apparent appearances, disappearances, and reappearances :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, an indeterminate, impermanent duration, "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.
🕉We are also not that, which pre-supposes to be pre-supposedly claimed by somebody whom is believed to be a separate, terminally unique, long-lasting, individual entity, that is often believed to be living a life of its very own, with free will, accord, and volition, as someone whom matters, with a particular set of conditional meanings, reasons, and purposes.
🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity. Everything and nothing, is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉What is often "overlooked" and "heard" in this message, behind the facts about 'Advaita'/'Nonduality' is that there is no separation. Therefore, there are no separate individual people, who are more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.
🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is more or less terminally unique; living a life of their very own that matters; more or less than a life, that is believed to be lived by anybody else.
🕉We are so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that it is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply inherently on, awake to being awake, all the time.
🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporary apparent appearances, apparently appearing, disappearing, and reappearing, for an indeterminate, impermanent duration "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time, as what are thought to be exclusively real and permanent, significantly so, self-conjured claims, that are believed to be required to be, but cannot ever be claimed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after anybody.
🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity.
🕉There is no separate individual person whom is ever more or less terminally unique, than anybody else.
🕉What we are, is not that which claims personal experiences, and whom is thought to be significantly and permanently so, as more or less terminally unique than anybody else.
🕉That is so and not so, simply because, we are not that which believes it has to maintain being the "knower" of knowing, that is aware to being aware; alive to being alive; and simply always inherently on; awake to being awake, all the time.
🕉We are all indeed, just temporally temporarily, apparently appearing, as innumerable apparent appearances, disappearances, and reappearances :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, an indeterminate, impermanent duration, "in" space and time, and not "of" space and time.
🕉We are also not that, which pre-supposes to be pre-supposedly claimed by somebody whom is believed to be a separate, terminally unique, long-lasting, individual entity, that is often believed to be living a life of its very own, with free will, accord, and volition, as someone whom matters, with a particular set of conditional meanings, reasons, and purposes.
🕉The 'Self'-conjured, conjured 'Self' lives in a world of its very own significance and terminal uniqueness. And that that particular, separate individual "I" and or "me" as my own 'Self' - will continue pre-supposing, that it must continuously support all ideas of subjective dualities of self-identification, with a single individuated 'Self'-conjured, conjured 'Self' - whom is believed to be living 'Life' of its own free will, choice, accord, and volition, under its very own terms and conditions.
🕉And yet, one WITH a second this, that, or the other, does not stand alone upon no fixed positions "in" space and time. No-thing is "of" space and time. Everything that is thought to be believed, is always apparently appearing to be taken as that which is personally, permanently, and exclusively so:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after some-body, whom is believed to be 'Self'-identifying, terminally unique 'Self'-identifications, of possessing 'Self'-actuated; 'Self'-conjured, and 'Self'-preferentialed decisions, of seemingly some-body exclusively so, and one whom is believed to be being, beingness-ing, as though there is a separate being that can be being-ness-ing, as that which is believed to be separately in the act of observing a particular type of being being-ness-ing.
🕉This, that, or some other one of anything, is innumerably so, as no specific singularity of something, that is and is not one of innumerable dualisms, that are neither exclusively terminally uniquely, separately so, nor not exclusively terminally uniquely, separately so, as always, in ALL ways.
🕉Everything and no-thing is and is not in any particular way of so-ness, as though there can be a final so-ness. Everything AND no-thing is inseparably so AND not so, as the "so-ness-ing" of that which is always in ALL ways both the "so-ness-ng" and not "so-ness-ing, as the infinitudinal complexification of 'Maya' finitely so and not so, as the infinite, finitely "Maya-ing."
🕉Once somebody is no longer recognising, that they are believing to be thought about, as anything that is 'Self'-conjured to be believed, as though there can be somebody, whom is independently standing alone:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is not with anybody in particular in the first, second, third, or any other particular place.
🕉This is not specifically so, since nobody is somebody, whom is specifically so, as somebody, whom is believed to be anybody, 'Self'-conjuring any one of innumerably specified, separate, independent, terminally unique individuations.
🕉Nobody is ever in possession of a separate birth-name and birth-rite, that is required to be reinforced as a terminally unique, 'Self-proclamation, as though somebody independently claiming a "certificate of authenticity," that had once learned something that is specifically so, and as though that must then be eventually believed to be exclusively so, since no-thing has ever been exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.
🕉And then thereafter, continuously reinforcing beliefs, of a particular modality of pre-supposition-ing, that the beginning of its very own life, was when it was born, based solely on what had been pre-supposedly believed, as a specific 'Self'-identification.
🕉And as though there has always been somebody significantly separate, with terminally-unique "so-ness" with a 'Self'-identification, believed to be 'Self'-sufficiently, 'Self'-generated, replete with a specific type of full-ness and complete-ness, that had been believed to be referentially in personal possession of its very own birth certificate of terminal authenticity.
🕉And that they would, from then on, continuously believe, that they had always been believed to be an exclusively real, and terminally unique representation, as a separate person, with whom 'Self'-possesses their very own, terminally unique 'Life' to live, with their very own separate body and mind to use as they please - as though they are in possession of a terminally uniquely so, separate "Life."
🕉"Life" is simply and not simply, apparently appearing, and not apparently appearing, to arise, and not arise, as though there can be a 'Self'-conjured, conjured 'Self' in control of what is construed as a 'Life' of one's very own accord and volition, believed to be independently controlling all 'Life' that arises as always, in ALL ways, as everything no-thing-ing and no-thing, every-thing-ing with 'The Absolute'~Brahman.
🕉There are simply, innumerable apparent appearances of 'Life' apparently appearing to be arising and not arising, as the "lifing" of 'Life.'But that is and is not, ever good enough:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a particular type of "lifing" believed to be happening to some-body. It is simply 'Life' "lifing" for nobody and every-body, as always in ALL ways, with no particular meaning, reason, and purpose.
🕉That is and is not, ever good enough:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a particular type of "lifing" believed to be happening to some-body. 'Life' is simply 'Life' "lifing" for nobody and every-body, as always in ALL ways, with no particular meaning, reason, and purpose.
🕉Once somebody is no longer recognising, that they are believing to be thought about, as anything that is 'Self'-conjured to be believed, as though there can be somebody, whom is independently standing alone:: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which is not with anybody in particular in the first, second, third, or any other particular place.
🕉This is not specifically so, since nobody is somebody, whom is specifically so, as somebody, whom is believed to be anybody, 'Self'-conjuring any one of innumerably specified, separate, independent, terminally unique individuations.
🕉Nobody is ever in possession of a separate birth-name and birth-rite, that is required to be reinforced as a terminally unique, 'Self-proclamation, as though somebody independently claiming a "certificate of authenticity," that had once learned something that is specifically so, and as though that must then be eventually believed to be exclusively so, since no-thing has ever been exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody.
🕉And then thereafter, continuously reinforcing beliefs, of a particular modality of pre-supposition-ing, that the beginning of its very own life, was when it was born, based solely on what had been pre-supposedly believed, as a specific 'Self'-identification.
🕉Nobody ever has to claim to be a "knower" as a separate "knower" of what we are not, since we have never been that which self-identifies with claims, that it is a terminally unique, permanently so, long-lasting, separate entity. Everything and nothing, is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉Although these appearances, as so-called :: "human bodies"/"action figures"/"body-minds"/"self-conjured, conjured selves," are seemingly part of everything seemingly so and not so, referred to as "Empty Fullness."
🕉Everything and no-thing, that is and is not inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum, regardless as to what apparently appears to be happening, from a perspective :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody, is simply seemingly separate from an "everybody-and-everything-else" reality.
🕉It apparently appears as though expressions are seemingly coming from somebody, referred to as a "human body"/"action figure"/"body-mind"/"self-conjured, conjured self," expressing the usage of some particular language, as a separately unique language, that is simply being seemingly engaged, in the act of communication.
🕉And that that does not have to be justified with any specific precepts, such as reasons, meanings, and purposes, to be seemingly so, as though there is a separate individual person, with terminal uniqueness, and self-importance, that is expressing in a particular manner, unlike anybody else has ever witnessed before, is witnessing now, or will ever witness again.
🕉And one whom expresses, as an individually unique person, whom is living their very own life, under their very own particular terms and conditions, with free will choice, accord, and volition to do so.
🕉Therefore, no matter what a "body-mind"/"action figure"/self-conjured, conjured self," may believe or disbelieve, that it is seemingly always continuously becoming an improved version of one's self, in some particular manner, is not doing so in some particular permanent way, but is in actuality, simply part of that which is both seemingly permanently so, and that which is seemingly impermanently so, all at the same time.
🕉And in some cases, that too is eventually going to be apparently appearing to become something better than that which is seemingly "knowable," "terminally unique," and permanently so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after those better versions, whom are thought to be self-conjured versions of :: "me" and "you" and whom can be seemingly thought to be or are not seemingly thought to be, in some particular way, shape, or form.
🕉That is what apparently seems to "motivate" and somehow "urge" an action figure on, believing it is existing as a permanently so, separate, terminally unique, living, entity, that had a specific beginning and will have a specific ending.
🕉And that that it is seemingly terminally unique and self-important :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.
🕉Although, no-thing exists and stands alone, in particularly permanent ways, as anything that is thought to be permanently so, upon some particular coordinate "in" space and time.
🕉Nevertheless, we continue to apparently appear to produce self-conjured thoughts and feelings, that are somehow seemingly felt as though there are separate "experiencers" with uniquely original, separate thoughts and separate feelings, that are not being felt, as though there are a fixed number of limited permanent thoughts and feelings, that can be thought about and felt.
🕉And that there are instead, innumerable thoughts and feelings, that can be thought about and felt, upon an array of innumerably infinitudinally complexified ways, as infinitudinal complexification :: real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable; inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉These so-called "action figures"/"body-minds"/"self conjured, conjured selves," that are seemingly believed to be compelled to express as so-called :: "Neo-Advaitins" are seemingly compelled and somehow motivated to be constantly in the act of changing the manner by which it had been previously expressing, on behalf of itself, and at the same time, with an accompanied recognition, that everything and no-thing was never apparently appearing in some particular way, to begin or end with.
🕉And that a majority of people, within what is referred to as a "societal structure" upon some particular version of this planet "Earth," are now, as of lately, continuously and collectively compelled, and motivated, to continuously attend these so-called "Zoom Talks"/ "Online Satsangs" following along with a vast array of so-called "Neo-Advaitin speakers," whom are each seemingly professing to carry specifically unique and original birth names/birth rites, that are being expressed.
🕉And that such expressions, are being expressed, as specifically unique versions, of presentations about the message that is so often referred to as :: "Advaita Vedanta"/"Nonduality"- with "Neo-Advaitin Speakers," such as :: "Paul Hedderman"; "Jim Newman"; "Tony Parsons"; "Andreas Mueller"; "Roger Castillo"; "Francis Lucille"; "Naho Owada"; "Tom Das"; "Jeff Foster"; "Tim Cliss"; "Lisa Cairns"; "Lisa Lennon"; "Peter Russell"; "Richard Sylvester"; "Ira Schepetin"; and "Kenneth Madden" to name some of the more "popularised" and/or "prominent" "Neo-Advaitin Speakers."
🕉And that such so-called "Neo-Advaitin Speakers," are seemingly creating apparent appearances, upon specific types of "platforms" or "mediums" that are being used for these type of apparent appearances of communications, often referred to as "Satsangs" that are seemingly believed to be organised and allegedly taking place, for nobody, and for no particular, reasons, meanings, & purposes.
🕉And if there were to be any specific reasons, meanings, and purposes for that to be taking place, then such reasons, meanings, and purposes, may as well be, to starve the unreal, fictitiously "self-conjured" seekers and questioners, who self-profess that they are permanently so, real, and terminally unique individual seekers, questioners, and spiritual teachers, upon some permanently real and permanently so reality.
🕉Apparently, this particular "action figure"/"body-mind"/"self-conjured, conjured self" has apparently appeared at this time, to participate upon those particular type of online "social media platforms" such as "YouTube"; "Zoom;" and "Facebook" along with other seemingly innumerable apparent appearances of "action figures"/ "body-minds"/"self-conjured, conjured selves" to discuss about everything & no-thing, that is inseparably so & not so, with no particular meanings, reasons, agendas, & purposes behind them.
🕉And as any particular events, that may or may not be continuously apparently appearing to be happening, without anybody else, who can seemingly claim that this is what needs to apparently appear to be happening.
🕉And that that does or does not apparently appear to be happening, as though that does or does not ever really appear to be happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after anybody in particular, and for no specific conditions; meanings; reasons, and purposes, that is also simply part of everything and nothing, that is and is not inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉If there is a body-mind action figure that believes they have "done" anything that matters, then there is still self-identification with that which believes it is a separate individual person, whom has "done" and will be "doing" happenings into action, when that just happens to be more self-conjured beliefs that are :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, a body-mind action figure, that is filled with terminal uniqueness and beliefs, that they are uniquely separate from everybody and everything else.
🕉And as though there are other separate body-minds / action figures, that are also separate from everybody and everything else, who are also sharing a part of their very own reality of life experiences, with other separate people, places, and things, that are believed to be shared separately with everybody and everything else. That is not what's happening. It only apparently appears to be so, but is not exclusively so. It is actually both so AND not so.
🕉The self-conjured conjured self, believes that they are existing in a reality of their very own making, and that they can "make" whatever they want, as though that matters. There is no "doing"; "making," and no "knowing" that happens :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, that which believes to be self-conjuring significant "do-ings" as a separate "doer" and "know-ings" by a separate "knower" that is :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody who believes that they are a separate "doer" and "knower" whom exists separately from everybody and everything else.
🕉There is no separation. There are no separate "seers" as well. No separate "hearers" and no separate "feelers." There are no separate "tasters" and no separate "thinkers." The body-mind / action figure, will nevertheless, self-conjure its very own self-image of itself, to believe and justify how and why it knows, and is convinced to be a separate "seer"; "hearer"; "feeler"; "taster"; "thinker"; "doer"; and "knower" :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.
🕉That is how and why it is so strongly self-centered. The body-mind / action figure facilitates sight for there to apparently appear to be the "seeing" of what the body-mind / action figure believes to be visualising.
🕉And yet, what's looking, is what is seen, on behalf of what we truly are, as boundless, timeless, seam-less energy fields, that although apparently appearing visibly observable in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time, we are not that which is temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time.
🕉We are that which is BOTH real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable, simply because we are always, in ALL ways :: mixing; blending; oscillating; coalescing, and immersed WITH "The Absolute" ~Brahman, in all spaces and all times, throughout the infinite universe, as the infinitudinal complexification of absolutely everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum. Nobody exists alone, as though they can "set into motion" some exclusively significant events to happen.
🕉If somebody claims to know all about how and why everything is exclusively, visibly observable; knowable; permanently real, and physically solid, has simply been mistakenly believing that everything has been believed to have been appearing, as though there are separate creations, mistakenly overlooking the obviousness as to how and why everything was not created, as permanently so, physically solid, and permanently affixed upon its very own exclusively separate position, "in" space and time.
🕉That has simply been overlooked from the impermanence of everything that is not exclusively and permanently so, since everything is just seemingly so, as apparent appearances that are or are not, in some particular way :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it is a separate person, with its very own life to live, and its very own body-mind complex / action figure, to use as it so chooses.
🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, conjures beliefs that it possesses its very own free will, accord, and volition, when that is just apparently appearing to be the case, as though exclusively and permanently so, in some particular way, shape, or form :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it is a separate individual person or living human being, that is existing separately :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, & after everybody and everything else, with its very own free will, accord, and volition to believe in such beliefs.
🕉The self-conjured, conjured self, also disbelieves that everything does not exist upon its very own separately physical, and permanent position, upon a physically created planet, as such ideas are self-conjured.
🕉Everything and no-thing is not permanently so, in some particular way of thinking, that was learned and then continuously believed. Whatever can be perceived; conceived, and believed, as though permanently so, is also thought to be perceived; conceived, and believed :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a separate individual, that is separate from everybody and everything else.
🕉And that that, this, or the other, is not exclusively so, as this, that, or some other exclusively particular way. Everything is ALSO impermanently so, AND not impermanently so, all at the same time. Everything never was exclusively, permanently so.
🕉Everything is actually BOTH permanently so AND not permanently so, as impermanently so, but also not exclusively as impermanently so. In other words, everything AND no-thing, is so AND not so. There cannot be just that which is presumably; exclusively, and permanently so, and also omitting or leaving-out that which is also unreal; unobservable; and unknowable, as no-thing.
🕉That too is included and not separately so, as though no-thing that is exclusively not so; unreal; unobservable, and unknowable. Everything that is believed to be permanently so, as physically real; observable; knowable, and exclusively so, as separate things, that are believed to be positioned upon their very own separate coordinates "in" space and time, as things that are either presumed to be here or there, was learned, and thereby self-conjured.
🕉That which is considered to be learned, was believed to have been learned :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after separate, apparent individual living people, as individually so, human beings, when that is not the case. It just apparently appears to be that way.
Everything AND No-thing, is BOTH temporal, temporary, and apparent, as separate appearances of solid; real; observable, and knowable things, as though there are only those exclusively solid, particularly so, believable things, overlooking the obviousness that those are self-conjured beliefs, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time - since there is also that which is impermanently not "of" space and time, as timelessly and boundlessly so.
🕉Hence why, everything and nothing is actually BOTH inseparably so AND not so, simply because everything is BOTH apparently appearing as temporally, temporarily, permanently so, AND impermanently; not so; unreal; unobservable, unknowable, and not always exclusively not so, as though permanently not so.
Everything and no-thing is always, ALL ways, in all spaces and all times throughout the Infinite Universe, as both simultaneously seemingly so AND not seemingly so, via apparent appearances that are apparently appearing; apparently disappearing, and apparently re-appearing, as the infinitudinal complexification of "The Absolute" ~Brahman.
🕉That is another one of innumerable ways, that the self-conjured, conjured self, stays busy with itself, conjuring ideas that they are separate people, living separate lives, "setting into motion," their very own uniquely so, sets of actions to happen "in" space and time, as though that significantly matters.
No particular event is happening :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before and after somebody, whom believes that they are a separate person that can experience separate happenings, other than what's already always happening in all spaces and all times.
🕉If there is a body-mind action figure that believes they have "done" anything that matters, then there is still self-identification with that which believes it is a separate individual person, whom has "done" and will be "doing" happenings into action. The self-conjured, conjured self, conjures all many of innumerable conditional dualities, that are :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; around; before, and after, a body-mind action figure, that is filled with terminal uniqueness and beliefs, that they are uniquely separate from everybody and everything else.
🕉And as though there are other separate body-minds / action figures, that are also separate from everybody and everything else, who are also sharing a part of their very own reality of life experiences, with other separate people, places, and things, that are believed to be shared separately with everybody and everything else. That is not what's happening. It only apparently appears to be so, but is not exclusively so. It is actually both so AND not so.
🕉The self-conjured conjured self, believes that they are existing in a reality of their very own making, and that they can "make" whatever they want, as though that matters. There is no "doing"; "making," and no "knowing" that happens :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after, that which believes to be self-conjuring significant "doings" and "know-ings" that are :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after somebody who believes that they are a separate "doer" and "knower" whom exists separately from everybody and everything else.
🕉There is no separation. There are no separate "seers" as well. No separate "hearers" and no separate "feelers." There are no separate "tasters" and no separate "thinkers." The body-mind / action figure, will nevertheless, self-conjure its very own self-image of itself, to believe and justify how and why it knows, and is convinced to be a separate "seer"; "hearer"; "feeler"; "taster"; "thinker"; "doer"; and "knower" :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.
🕉That is how and why it is so strongly self-centered. The body-mind / action figure facilitates sight for there to apparently appear to be the "seeing" of what the body-mind / action figure believes to be visualising.
🕉And yet, what's looking, is what is seen, on behalf of what we truly are, as boundless, timeless, seam-less energy fields, that although apparently appearing visibly observable in mirrors, for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time, we are not that which is temporally temporarily visibly observable in mirrors for an indeterminate duration "in" space and time.
We are that which is BOTH real and unreal; knowable and unknowable; observable and unobservable, simply because we are always, in ALL ways :: mixing; blending; oscillating; coalescing, and immersed WITH "The Absolute" ~Brahman in all spaces and all times, throughout the infinite universe, as the infinitudinal complexification of absolutely everything and nothing, that is inseparably so and not so, ad infinitum.
🕉The image of a body is simply apparently appearing within a mind of an action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, and taken to be believed, as though they are that particular "image" subjectively projected as a body-mind/ action figure/self-conjured, conjured self.
🕉And as though :: to; by; for; from; about; between; with; upon; around; before, and after a subjectively projected, mental image, in the mind, of what is thought to be self-conjured, as a particularly unique and separate action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self.
🕉And that there is a separate "everybody-and-everything-else" reality that each body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self - can somehow, seemingly subjectively blend, with innumerable types of apparent appearances, that seemingly stream along, as though there are permanently real and solidly separate things all around us, with beginnings and endings upon fixed positions, "in" space and time - that are happening upon fixed moments of a separate 3-fold principle - within past, present and future times-line.
🕉The action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, then self-identifies and self-conjures ideas, believed to be one's very own originally conjured thoughts/ideas/beliefs that it entertains as self-proclaimed thoughts/ideas/beliefs.
🕉And that it can claim to personally possess, to have and to hold, and claim its very own separately unique action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, that can have its very own free will, accord, and volition, such as :: its very own birth name; birth rite; free will; accord, and volition, to decide what the body should or should not be doing, and thinking about, at any given moment that it believes are its very own moments, that are exclusively happening "in" space and time :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after whatever it believes to be happening.
🕉And whatever it believes to be happening, is thought to be happening, as though separate events happen to each body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self.
🕉And as though personal events of happenings, can be happening and construed as personal happenings, that are believed to be exclusively so :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after that which believes it must or must not do with those moments "in" space and time, that are believed to be moments for people to use, in whatever capacity that they may or may not choose to believe, and can or cannot be thought about.
🕉Along with innumerable self-proclaimed, self-conjured, conditionally dualistic thoughts to entertain and believe, that should or should not be considered as one's very own private thoughts to entertain.
🕉And all along, overlooking that nobody is apparently appearing; disappearing, and reappearing, as a separate body-mind / action figure, that is not "of" space and time.
🕉Thereby, from such self-identifications with whatever it takes itself to be, as though it owns its very own body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self - to do what it so chooses and pleases to do with itself, self-conjuring innumerable ideas and thoughts, that are thought to be believed, in particular ways, as seemingly more or less significantly important :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself.
🕉And as though there must be specific actions that it must or must not be doing, that need or need not be taking place or carried-out.
🕉And that it must or must not be thinking about thoughts, as though there must or must not be some particular reactions or thoughts to be expressed, "in" space and time, as specific forms of expressions, when there are no particular forms of expressions that must or must not be expressed "in" space and time, since nobody is "of " space and time all along.
🕉Everything simply apparently appears to be or not be in some particular way, when everything and nothing, is simply inseparably so and not so :: as always, in ALL ways, with no particular meanings; reasons, and purposes :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after nobody in particular.
🕉If one believes it is using its very own body-mind/action figure/self-conjured, conjured self, as what is believed to be permanently real and solid, that enables all manner of dualities at its very own disposal, and to purposely reinforce the support of innumerable self-conjurings :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after itself, as though it is living its very own, exclusively real and separate life, with its very own action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, to do with it as it so pleases, with ultimate free will and choice, accord and volition, as exclusively, independently, uniquely separate and individuated, "in" space and time.
🕉And as though one is a separately unique action-figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self appearance, that is fully capable of continuously self-identifying with itself, and must continuously believe in its very own self-importance, significance, and proclamations of its very own personal experiences :: to; by; for; from; about; with; upon; between; around; before, and after a life of its very own, to exist with its very own uniquely so, self-conjured, reasons, meanings and purposes, that it truly exists as that.
🕉And as though it is a permanently separate; physically solid, action figure/body-mind/self-conjured, conjured self, that has a beginning when it was born, as a separate human being, that will eventually have an ending, when it is time for it to "die-off."