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By Anthony Frevele

Just For Laughs Presents:
(PART 2)

Scene: Two months later, the new arrivals to the Star Wars universe have begun to settle into their new roles. While Theangel, Chiana, Marcus Washburne and Zuradi try do discover what sort of spell brought them to this strange new universe, Chitonakk, Wook, and Dr. Bob Thompson investigate the strange effect from a scientific standpoint. Meanwhile, Cyrus is going crazy with all these bizarre new people roaming about his ship.

Chitonakk: I think we’ve isolated the problem, Admiral.

Wook: Rwar roooar warrgh ragh warr grar rarf… [These mysterious wormholes through space and time seem to be caused by a random fluctuation of sub-subatomic particles which exist throughout the entire universe and in every molecule of existing matter…]

Cyrus: In Basic, please?

Kane: It’s a disturbance in the Force.

Dr. Bob Thompson: Keep your superstitions out of this, this is science!

Chitonakk: Actually, that’s what Wook was saying.

Meanwhile, the other group had a very different set of answers…

Theangel: I have discovered through my experiments in this dimension that all of existence in this entire… what was it called?

Marcus: “Multiverse.”

Theangel: Ah, yes. …In this entire “multiverse” is made up of a single common element, something which ties together magic of many kinds, science, and even this “Force” this Jedi of yours keeps talking about.

Marcus: For lack of a better term, we are calling this strange element the “plot.”

Zuradi: I came up with that name!

Theangel: Yes, you’re very smart. In any case, these portals, or “wormholes” as you call them, seem to actually be some sort of holes in the “plot.” It appears we’ve all fallen right through them.

Cyrus: Fallen through holes in the plot, eh?

Merrick: I feel kinda manipulated.

Kane: So how do we patch up these “plot holes?”

Cyrus: More important, how do we send all of you back through?

Marcus: We’re… still working on that.

Cyrus: Well work faster! This is a New Republic warship, not a zoo!

Eridain: Fine, I’ll leave the wolf in my quarters.

Scene: Meanwhile, the other visitors to this universe have been getting similarly acquainted…

Trezor Kythe: Hey, I called the remote!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: It’s my Star Destroyer, so I get to control the remote!

Gorgoroth: I have not even had adequate time to learn to use this “re-mote!” Give it to me, I command you!

Ruinen Westlock: I’ve not even had the “re-mote” yet! You men always keep it to yourselves…

Gorgoroth: Vile witch!

Ruinen: Half-demon!

High Inquisitor Tremayne: Would you all stop bickering? We’re trying to do evil here!

Kythe: Yes, evil! I like the sound of that!

Gorgoroth: Hey, get offa me…! Grand Admiral, she’s got the remote!

Thrawn: Give me the remote, right now! If you can’t use this like adults, you don’t get it at all.

Tremayne: Ahem! Our evil plan?

Gorgoroth: Ah, yes. We shall crush these “rebels” of yours, and then we shall make our way back into Middle-Earth… and conquer it with the power of your “technology!”

Kythe: I feel an evil laugh coming on…

Ruinen: Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!

Kythe: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Gorgoroth: Amateurs.

Tremayne: Can we stop with the evil laughing and actually work on the plan please?

That’s it for today, folks. Tune in next time to find out who gets the remote once and for all!
