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What is this?

At least some of our readers are probably wondering what this site is all about and whether or not we are all on drugs. I am happy to announce that the answer to the second question is NO, and the answer to the first is this:

This site is the official (well, not really official, but I say it is) website of my particular roleplaying group... well, TWO of my particular roleplaying groups for that matter (one of which is at home and one at college). What is roleplaying, you ask? Well, that's a complicated question, one which I couldn't possibly have the knowledge to answer... except that I do. Roleplaying is, put simply, a game. That should about cover it. It's a game in which players people take on the roles of characters they created to participate in a large, elaborate storyline overseen by a person called the Gamemaster, or GM for short. For those of you who are starting to question my competence, please see the answer to question number two above.

Between the two roleplaying groups that I am a part of, we play several different games... each game has a different fictional setting and group of characters which interact with this setting. At home, we play:

Star Wars, Jay's game

Both GMed by Jay and covered on this site, as well as:

Shadowrun (GMed by Michael)
Star Wars, Joel's game (GMed by Joel and occasionally by Jay)
Star Wars, Michael's game (GMed by Michael)
Rebels of Faulklin (GMed by Michael)

None of which are covered on this site at the present time. For information about Shadowrun and Star Wars, Joel's game, see Matt's Webpage.

Meanwhile, at school, we play:

Forgotten Realms (GMed by David)
Dragonstar (GMed by Anthony)

Both of which will shortly be covered on this site. We previously played:

Star Wars, Anthony's game (GMed by Anthony)

Which is covered on this site, but the links have been taken down (find it at

Changeling, the Dreaming (GMed by David)
7th Sea (GMed by David)

Which have never been covered on this site.

I hope this has been informative to you. If you are now more confused than ever, don't worry, so am I. But if you want to learn more about our groups, browse the site, and visit the People Behind the Characters page.

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