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Scott Cunningham

Scott Cunningham was born in Royal Oak, Michigan on June 27, 1956. He learned about Wicca while still in high school and practiced elemental magic for twenty years. He experienced, researched, then wrote about what he learned in his magical training. Scott is credited with writing more than thirty books (both fiction and non-fiction). He passed from this incarnation on March 28, 1993, but his work and his words live on.

Wicca:A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews
Living Wicca : A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Earth Power : Techniques of Natural Magic
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water : More Techniques of Natural Magic
The Truth About Witchcraft
The Magical Household : Empower Your Home With Love, Protection, Health and Happiness
Magical Aromatherapy : The Power of Scent
Spell Crafts : Creating Magical Objects
Magical Herbalism : The Secret of the Wise
Dreaming the Divine
Hawaiian Magic & Spirituality
The Truth About Witchcraft Today

Janet and Stewart Farrar

Janet and Stewart Farrar , authors of many books on the subject of witchcraft, are well known internationally as experts on Witchcraft and the Occult. Stewart Farrar worked as a journalist, playwright and an author of fiction before forming his first coven with Janet in 1971. To date they have published over ten books between them, which have been translated into German, Czech, Japanese, Portugese and Dutch. This has established them as the foremost international authors on this subject. Many of their works are considered to be standard training material for modern Wiccan Covens. They have their own Coven in the Republic of Ireland, but still find time to lecture regularly both in Europe and the United States.

A Witches' Bible
The Witches' Goddess : The Feminine Principle of Divinity
The Healing Craft : Healing Practices for Witches and Pagans
The Witches' God : Lord of the Dance
Spells and How They Work
The Witches' Way : Principles, Rituals and Beliefs of Modern Witchcraft
Eight Sabbats for Witches
What Witches Do

Raymond Buckland

Raymond Buckland came to the United States from England in 1962. He has been actively involved in the study of the occult for over thirty-five years, and an initiate of the Old Religion for over twenty-five Ray Buckland comes from a family of English Gypsies and is actively involved in researching Romany roots. Today he lives with his wife Tara in Millersburg, Ohio.

Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft
Practical Candleburning Rituals
Witchcraft from the Inside : Origins of the Fastest Growing Religious Movement in America
Practical Color Magick
Advanced Candle Magick : More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose
Doors to Other Worlds : A Practical Guide to Communicating With Spirits
Scottish Witchcraft : The History and Magick of the Picts
Gypsy Witchcraft & Magic
Tree the Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft
Gypsy Dream Dictionary
Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling
The Truth About Spirit Communication

Doreen Valiente

On Wednesday 1st September 1999 at 06.55 am, Doreen Valiente passed into the Summer Lands in her home town of Brighton. There are few who had met her who did not find her unassuming, modest, and unpretentious. There were many reasons for her to be the opposite though. She was (and still is) the mother of one of the fastest growing religions of the later 20th Century - Wicca.

Witchcraft for Tomorrow (Illustrated)
Natural Magic
An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present

Gerald Gardner

Often considered the founder of modern Wicca, Gerald Gardner packed several careers into one lifetime. In his youth he was an expert on natural rubber. As an anthropologist, he pioneered the study of the ancient Malay civilization. He was an acknowledged expert on weapons, and the world authority on the Malay kris. He spent many years in the British civil service and wrote five books, two of them novels.

Gardner Witchcraft Series
High Magic's Aid
A Goddess Arrives

Robert Graves

English poet, classical scholar, novelist, and critic who produced some 140 books. Graves is perhap best known for the historical novel I, CLAUDIUS (1934), with its sequel CLAUDIUS THE GOD (1943), autobiographical war memoirs and controversial study THE WHITE GODDESS (1948), in which Graves rejects the patriarchal gods as sources of inspiration in favour of matriarchal powers of love and destructiveness.

The White Goddess : A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth
Greek Gods and Heroes
I, Claudius : From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Born 10 B.C., Murdered and Deified A.D. 54

James Frazer

Frazer, Sir James George, 1854–1941, Scottish classicist and anthropologist, b. Glasgow, educated at the universities of Glasgow and Cambridge. He is known especially for his masterpiece, The Golden Bough, published originally in two volumes (1890); in later editions it was enlarged to 13 volumes. A monumental study in comparative folklore, magic, and religion, it showed parallels between the rites and beliefs of early cultures and those of Christianity. The work had a great impact on the early 20th cent., its influence extending to psychology and literature. An abridged one-volume edition was published by the author in 1923.

Golden Bough
Apollodorus : The Library (Loeb Classical Library #122, Books Iii, Volume 2)
Man, God & Immortality: Thoughts on Human Progress (1927)
Worship of Nature