Chapter 6

Arriving at McDonald's, AJ walked around and opened Wendi's door. "Thanks... but I could've done it myself." Wendi climbed out, still wiping her eyes. She looked at the brightly lit eatery full of people and wished deperately she was somewhere else. "Is this ok with you? You wanna go somewhere else?" AJ asked as if reading her mind. "This is Ok.I dont mind." Wendi took a deep breath, and walked through the doors.

After ordering and sitting down in a booth in the far back corner away from the crowd, AJ grabbed a few fries and asked, "You want to talk now?" Wendi shook her head. "Not now. Not ever. I dont want to bring it up and risk ruining this." Their eyes met and she looked down at her hamburger that was getting cold.

Aj reached across the table and tilted her chin up to look at him. "I like you Wendi. I like you a lot. I want this to work. Nothing you tell me could make me like you any less... unless you used to be a man." He smiled at her and caught a glimse of a quick laugh flash through her eyes. "Now, are you gonna eat that or just let it sit there and taunt me?"

A loud clap of thunder shook the ground and caused the 2 to jump. "Maybe we oughtta leave before the rain hits." Wendi said looking outside at the dark night. Just as she said that, the clouds opened up and rain poured down quickly filling all the pot holes in the roads and making large puddles in the parking lot. "Maybe we should leave before the rain floods my car." AJ grinned and grabbed Wendi's hand pulling her up from the table and towards the door. "Its raining pretty hard! You want to go out in it??" Wendi glanced outside and shook her head. "Why not? A little rain never hurt anyone!"

AJ grabbed her hand and pulled her outside into the rain. They ran to the car, splashing through puddles on the way. By the time they got there, they were both soaked and too worn out to make the trip home and face Jessie.

"Well, unless you want to sleep in the car, we'll stop at the hotel across the way, alright?" AJ asked watching the rain hitting the windshield. "Hotel is fine. I'm kinda tired myself." Wendi answered feeling suddenly extremely tired and over all exhausted.

Without another word, AJ drove across the way and checked in. The only problem left now was getting to the room, which called for more exposure to the rain.

To Chapter 7

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