Tuesday, 11.9.99 5:38 PM

Thanksgiving break is in ten days.

"Why do I have the crazy feeling that I'm not coming out of this day alive?" -me to lyle

I've managed to keep my head on the past two days. Having this change in schedule has helped me out a lot. I deal with change better than I deal with consistency. Sean says that's weird, considering the fact that change is the only constant.

I'm reading a book called "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb. It's interesting so far- I can't put it down. I've been asking around for the titles of good books to read. I've felt stupid lately and I accredit that to not reading as much as I should be, or as much as I have in the past. I'm also considering donating all of my old books to the President's Club at school. They're doing a fundraiser for needy children and all my old books are R.L. Stines, Christopher Pikes, and Diane Hohs.

Time to go out with mom.

countin down the days til Cory (hypothetically) gets here... 39...