Wednesday, 11.10.99 10:47 PM

lyle and i went to cool beans tonight and had coffee while i read a book and he did german homework. we talked about trivial things and he laughed cause i kept flipping him off. YOU WISH!

today on my way to phojo, someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes. i squealed in wonder, having no idea who it was. then i got the craziest idea- and i acted upon it. i grabbed one of the hands and licked it. right there on the palm. and you know what name came to mind? i licked the assailant's hand and cried out "Marty!" He immediately let go of me and exclaimed, "How did you know it was me?!?!?" heh heh. i didn't, it was a lucky guess.

dustin calls my bus the fag wagon. he liked my pants.

mom was depressed cause she didn't work today (the fog was relentless) so she bought a bunch of stuff.

i should go assort my photos for my new scrapbook project. ciao!

countin down the days til Cory (hypothetically) gets here... 38...