Sunday, 12.5.99 4:06 PM

The party last night was a major disappointment. Jamie and I did enjoy seeing Toy Story 2 at the theatre, but we went back to my house to wait for our ride and he never came. Chris's cousin JoJo was supposed to pick us up around nine so we could go to the party. We called about twenty times and nobody answered, and jojo didn't answer his pages. So around ten thirty, Jamie and I decided to crash at her house with some movies. We stopped by the party on the way to Jamie's and went in to see what the hell happened and were greeted by Jason and Ben in their boxers. The house reeked of alcohol and all the lights were off except a few blacklights. We found Chris in the back room on his stomach with his shirt off, some girl sitting on his back and massaging his shoulders. The only thing was, Jamie and I knew all the 7 people in that house, even this girl, and we were NOT impressed. Chris, Ben, and JoJo were evidently drunk, and JoJo kept hugging us and saying he missed us. Apparently, he hadn't been answering any of his pages and had he gotten ours two hours ago, he wouldn't have been able to pick us up anyway cause he was drunk. At one point, Chris came into the room where we were talking with jojo and gave Jamie a hug, then passed out, leaning against her with his 200 and some-odd pounds and jason had to help pull him off. they were all plastered. we were pissed because that ruined our whole saturday night, but i'm rather glad we hadn't been there earlier. there was no telling what might have happened.

it's weird because you go through school knowing who the popular people are, then once you get inside their circle, you find out they're worse than you could have imagined. aside from the exclusions.
