Friday, 12.10.99 8:14 PM

finished taking an open book test in german. you'd think the tests would be pretty easy if you can use the notes and the dictionary and the book, but damn.

the powder puff game was canceled because the senior players put up the wall of shame, which consisted of nasty perverted sexually explicit nicknames referring to all the junior players. lots of people are angry, but i don't care either way. they were told this would happen.

i'm going to the guard party tonight, once my bra dries. both my horoscopes today said that i would be going sentimentally into my past and that i shouldn't, that i should throw it all up and say "forget it" so i can have some fun. so i'm gonna have some fun.

mom's not really excited about christmas. well shit. i don't know what to do about that.

my life is a washing machine... i'll post it in tragidence later.
