8/23/99 11:13 PM

gawd i love mexican candy.

another busy day. i had a productive choir rehearsal right after school. then i hauled ass with carleigh, christy and latisha to practice cause we had been loading the cooler with gatorade and we were late. we had a very hot practice and i think i strained a few muscles in my ankle and thigh. they hurt.

i wrote in alyx's butterfly book. three whole pagefuls of things beginning with, "Before I Die..." Three pages. The first thing on one of the pages was, "Before I Die, I will never apologize for wanting so much out of life."

right after colorguard, i had to book it home to spend 20 minutes changing into jeans and my choir t-shirt in order to perform at the open house tonight. that lasted an hour. mom met all my teachers. good thing they love me, eh?

from school, we went grocery shopping for two hours. TWO HOURS. To shop for two people. I was so tired and aching all over after that. im alright now.

and now, cory! goodnight.