8/30/99 10:53 PM

I'M NOT POPULAR. I'm a slut.

saw a tv show where this guy cut off his dead wife's hand. "yeah, he was a little crazy. as for the love that made him do it... i hope that someday, i can have a part of that madness. we all want to be in love madly." -ally mcbeal

i can't wait until the game friday. we perform at halftime. i swear, my guard drives me crazy. they never show up to practice until two minutes before my brain squeezes out of my ears, and i'm handling all the ordering of shirts and bags and polos and whatever... got people getting demerits for being twenty minutes late, what the hell is that heh... we get to wear our spandex uniforms on friday. goody. (me to

secret song on showoff: "asth i look into your eyesth, sthhe's got the body of a goddeth and an angel'ths fathe, im thinkin of love, thinkin of love... hey i was wackin off the other day, did you step in that, you couldn't get it off yer shoe..."

cory dyed his hair black and pierced both his ears!!! *runs around wildly waving her arms and awaiting the day she can take em out with her tongue* heh heh.

i can't believe the course that things have taken so far. with stuff. i mean...