9.10.99 11:12 PM

my eyes are closed with my legs wide open, my breath it stops on a dime

fridays kick ass around here. we had a blast in debate again. marty calls me pumpkin in there. i think it was the hair. i have my hair in two buns in the back of my head, like where i would have pigtails, and everybody seems to love it when i do that. i won't do it that often then. this hair invokes the spirit of touching in people. everyone wants to touch it, either to make sure it's really there or to prove their theory that my buns will disappear in smoke once they touch it... and what was with the ears? goofball.

the guard did the best in rehearsal today than i have ever seen them do. i wanted to cry, they were so good. i made em do it twice to make sure they weren't fooling me. if they're that far and this is only our second game, think of how far they'll be by contests in october. they made me very proud. at the end of class, we all danced this little ditty i made up at our first game. i have so much fun with those girls. i really don't want to leave them.

alan and chris came over for a bit just to chill until we had to cruise to Cool Beans at 5:30. they seem to have an affinity for making fun of me. what is this, pick on brooke week? chuckle chuckle. cool beans was closed for a private party so we had dinner at gordon street fillin' station (good hamburgers), then the 9 of us (sea scouts) trucked it on over to the theatre in town to watch Sixth Sense.

that movie is THE movie of the year. jamie and i were practically holdin hands the whole time, we were so freaked out, and alan kept scarin me and makin us jump. their were two rows of us in the theatre and the whole front row was laughing because the two of us on the back row had the shit scared out of us half the time. it was a wonderful movie. must see again.

i think stomper is back this weekend. how am i gonna see him if i can't even see myself?

countin down the days til cory gets here... 99...