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This website is provided free by Angelfire in return for advertising in the form of popup screens and banners. I have no control over the selection and/or content of this advertising; therefore, I do not necessarily support all of the sites and content of such advertisements.
My site is child safe.
"Angels may not dress the part, with robes and wings that soar;
Often angels come as friends, knocking at your door."



This site is dedicated to honoring and supporting two very precious generations in our community - children and senior citizens. You will find peace and respect on my site.

One of the most important priorities of this site is to provide information about, draw attention to, and promote awareness of important areas that are affecting children and elderly in very destructive ways, such as various forms of abuse and exploitation. You are urged to support individuals and organizations who are working to make positive contributions in the lives of others and/or working in some way to stop all forms of abuse in our communities.

We hope to provide you with resources and opportunities to be an active participant in making positive contributions to others - an opportunity to straighten your halo, spread your wings and "BE AN ANGEL" to someone! One easy way is to send a greeting card (see Index below for my Greeting Card page).

Another goal of this site is to provide an environment where everyone (no matter what age) can relax and enjoy various wholesome activities (from just-plain-fun to hopefully being meaningful, educational, inspirational and/or motivational).

Using this site, I attempt to practice what I preach (some days, I succeed ).  I try not to take people or tomorrow for granted.  I do not want to be "too busy" to let someone know they are special, thought of, cared about, loved.  I do not want to add to my many regrets.  This site and the internet provide opportunities to make positive contributions to someone.    For example, see my Circle Of Honor pages where I recognize, pay tribute to, and/or honor people in my life.  

Thank you for visiting - please visit often - Banners for The Lost Child Emergency Broadcast System and The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children are updated regularly. I would encourage you to check these banners as often as possible - you might be the "angel" who has seen one of these precious children or youth.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
Mahatma Gandhi

I love music so I had to include it on my site. However, since not everyone feels this way, it is made available on most pages and you may choose to make it a part of your visit or not. The console is located at the top of the page and will automatically start playing. You may choose to turn it off if you prefer no music or you can restart if you enjoyed the tune. Enjoy!

Sincerely, Theresa


Blessed are they who understand
My faltering step and my palsied hand.

Blessed are they who know today
My ears must strain to catch what they say.

Blessed are they who never say
"You've told that story three times today."

Blessed are they who know the ways
To bring back memories of yesterdays.

Blessed are they with cheery smile
Who've stopped on their way to chat a while.

Blessed are they who ease the days
On my journey Home with loving ways.

Author unknown


Laugh and be happy!
Learn to ask questions!
Receive and give affection!
Be proud of your work!
Be the best you can be!
Love others and be loved!
Love yourself!
Express your feelings!
Follow your dreams!
Do things for yourself!
Take care of yourself!
Protect your mind and body!
Seek help!

I hope you enjoy visiting all of my pages.
Relax awhile with a poem, my Colorado pages,
some flower, lake and/or snow applets,
play a game, or check out the senior and
children resources. The world is full of
challenges, but this site is friendly and peaceful.

You will also find "Circle Of Honor" pages on my site. The purpose of the "Circle Of Honor" is to recogize, honor, pay tribute to someone in my life. I personally do not know any Presidents, royalty, movie stars, or Nobel Prize winners; but I do know some very special people, who distinguish themselves in ways that may not have brought them fame and fortune but are certainly positive influences in the lives of others. There are angels in my life who I wish to share with the world through this section of my site. No one is perfect; we all have our faults. But, everyone has some qualities that makes them special. I feel we would all benefit from recognizing, respecting and honoring others. The Circle Of Honor is my small way of doing this.

Children's Advocate Sites
What Do Angels Look Like? Angels In Action
Children's Poems, Quotes,
Life Lesson Stories
Grammy's Words Of Wisdom? Grammy's Jokes
(For Us "Oldies But Goodies")
Be An Angel - Send A Greeting Card Games, Riddles, BrainFun, More
(A Fun Page For My GrandDog)


Lake Applets - Lake 1 Lake Applets - Lake 2


Colorado-My Home State Colorado-My Home State-2
Colorado-My Home State-3
(Rain Applet)
Colorado-My Home State-4
Colorado Photos By Jaytee


My Special Angels
(Snow Applets
Christmas Pages
(Snow Applets
Bless This House
(A Personal Prayer)

Circle Of Honor - Dee
Circle Of Honor - Eddie
Circle Of Honor - Vicki
Circle Of Honor - Carissa
Circle Of Honor - Jaytee
Circle Of Honor - Andria
Circle Of Honor - Rhonda
Circle Of Honor -



Memorial-A Bouquet For Mom
(Floral/Lake Applet)
Memorial-A Christmas Candle
(Floral/Lake Applet)

This Site Established February 1, 2000

Today Is

This website is provided free by Angelfire in return for advertising in the form of popup screens and banners. I have no control over the selection and/or content of this advertising; therefore, I do not necessarily support all of the sites and content of such advertisements. My site is child safe.