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Part of the fun of UFDC convention are the competition rooms (antique and modern). The rooms are a dolly feast for the soul and eye candy for the heart. Here are some photos of only a FRACTION of the dolls on display in the modern competition room. ENJOY!!

The first one is a group of Kathe Kruse dolls:

This next picture is a Madame Alexander groom complete with top hat and tails.

This is my blue ribbon winning Ginny...her hat was askew and the lady minding the table wouldn't let me straighten it out...just one UFDC's rules.

Here's a celluloid cutie.

Here is the EXQUISITE President's Choice award winning doll. She is an artist doll that the judges felt best represented the Starry Starry Night theme. In this case, the artist chose to intepret Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night painting in the gown. The artist was Alice Leverett - and the doll was fabulous - the work she put into making the doll, the costume and all accessories was unbelievable.

Here's an adorable R&B Nancy ... What a beauty!

Look at this blue ribbon Cissy!!! Perfection with a capital P.

An award winning group of Dewees Cochran dolls.

I always enjoy the NASB dolls and here's a group of pairs. Notice Mammy and Baby and Eva and Topsy. Oh to find those at a garage sale...ROFLOL

Here's my third place ribbon winner Nancy Ann Storybook Rose Red.

Deanna Durbin - Isn't her coloring wonderful? She was redressed so did not win.

The dolls belong to many, many people. There are hundreds of dolls entered into the various categories in competition. One sees dolls they will never see in their lifetime at conventions like these...oh my! Here's an F&B Little Lady with yarn hair...absolutely pristine!

UFDC holds a yearly convention...this year it was in Atlanta, Georgia and next year it will be in Denver, Colorado. You have to be a member of UFDC to attend. If you go to their website at you can find out how to become a member.

Here's a lovely Madame Alexander Tiny Betty "Scarlett" with her original box. And I think this Tiny Betty is a rare doll, being made in 1937 before the movie premier as MA dressed a doll in the line as Scarlett.

Here's my Dollikin bride who came home with a blue ribbon. I was very proud of her...*smile*

Here's another bride doll. A Nancy Ann Style Show Bride in her beautiful splendor.

An all original Lenci doll complete with box. The doll and outfit is pictured in the 1930 Lenci catalog.

Here's one of the blue ribbon winners in the wooden category (wooden artist dolls made before 1980). She's a Frances Bringloe doll dressed as a quaker maiden.

I hope you enjoyed the program. There were hundreds of doll entered in the modern competition year you all will have to come see them in person! And's a cloth Madame Alexander Little Shaver doll. A real sweetheart.