Stop! They're Logging Again
Download MP3 [6.5 mb] recorded by Stephanie Lindsay, Vocals
(c) 2000, Tyler Esser, Producer.
To play midi file [44K], click here.
[stomp! stomp!] [close up of logging boots]
[chainsaw grinding]
[stomp! stomp!] [close up of bird's legs, in a standoff]
[various wildlife in a chorus line of tree voles, murrelets, spotted owls hooting in background]
the - for - est - is - our - home
it's - not - a - log - ging - zone
TREE VOLES (look down from treetops):
I think they're logging again
Destroying more trees
And killing our friends
(It's crazy)
We might not look like much
In-the food chain of life
We're somebody's lunch
So to lose just one species
Is not good ecology
(For anybody!)
Stop! They're logging again
The moment it starts
It won't ever end
Somebody help us
Stop that damage they cause
Taking corporate sa-a-a-aws
To natural habitats
An ecosystem exists
For thousands of years
Till humans reduce Mother Nature to tears
We cry, watching the waste
Of glorious redwoods
That can't be replaced
Cuz the Head-WA-ters FO-rest
Is full of creatures like me
(Who need those trees, so)
Don't - start - logging again
Preserve all our homes
Protect all our friends
(You know ya gotta)
Stop your corporate greed
Taking more than you ne-e-e-ed
From natural habitats
This - used - to - be - our - home
It's - now - a - bat-tle - zone
EXAMPLES: "Aren't the redwood trees protected?"
"Only a small reserve. But the ecosystem depends
on saving the entire Headwaters Forest. All 60,000
acres. Otherwise, the whole region will die out."
"But I thought Pacific Lumber lost their license!"
"They did stop logging, for a while. But not for long . . . ."]
Don't start - logging again - it's no good
For little birds - who live among the redwoods
Stop! You - think you're above earthly laws
But look - what - a-mess you cause
Stop! They're logging again
Destroying our homes
And killing our friends
(C'mon you gotta)
[Stop that corporate greed
[Taking more than you need
[It's not your habitat
[Don't start logging again
[The moment it starts
[It won't ever end
[ (No way, ya gotta)
Stop that damage you cause
Breaking natural la-a-a-aws
Respect the Environment

For a sample animated video on saving the environment
visit the website at www.saveourenvironment.org
or email this link to a friend: A Bear Votes!
BUY BUY BUY Written for the Adbusters media contest
VIDEO CONCEPT: same girl pops out of TV and print ads, chases guys around,
tries to sell them things, while they run for their lives. For "Who Will Buy" Intro click here:
BUY! BUY! [girl on TV the boy is watching matches girl in magazine he's holding]
I know cuz I'm a guy
They'll use a girl to catch my eye
Just flash that sexy smile
Yeah, baby, nice try
It's always the same ol' boobs
In magazines or on the tube
Too bad it's not the real thing
Stick to the truth
The more I have to SEE of ya
In the ME-dia
I recognize you'll lie lie lie to
Make me buy buy buy |

"Lips in Synch" (c) allanomarra.com |
Don't wanna buy a thing from you
'nother young consumer that you're selling to
You can't trick me
Though you try try try to make me buy buy buy
Ya wanna wear my wallet thin
Just another fool that you're targeting
Y'Keep on teasing me
With crazy lies to make me buy buy buy
I-can't read a magazine
without your image in between
the pages selling software
to nicotine
I turn on my TV
false advertising's all I see
you try to turn me on
I'm turning you off

"Oldenburger and Chips" (c) allanomarra.com
I see your face from place to place
On a billboard space
You're paid to tell me
Any lie to make me buy buy buy
Don't wanna buy another thing
Manipulating me with your marketing
You can't trick me
Though you try try try to make me buy buy buy
You want me for my credit card
Wanna get my number so you're hitting hard
Y'Keep enticing me
With shameless lies to make me buy buy buy
I'm-not a dummy you can train
Sending impulse signals to arouse my brain
WHY - STRIVE - for-an anorexic body type
I don't NEED to buy your product to succeed in LIFE
I don't wanna be a fool
In your consumer pool
Reaching for - a - real - GOOD BUY/GOOD BYE!
[turns TV off]