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Jared's Writings

Life's a dream, let your mind sweep you away.

Welcome to my site!!

This site will contain a small list of my writings which are mainly poems. I started writing poems my sophomore year in high school, only because I was really bored in school and my thoughts just drifted away and I put them on paper. I wouldn't consider myself a poet just happily bored. Many of my poems are about personal things and can be taken many different ways. Therefore, I offer no explanation about them and wish you, the reader, to interpret them how you feel fit. Hell, I don't even know what half of them mean. On that note, I hope you will enjoy them....

Last Update: 3/03/03

Full Poems(Oldest to Newest):

The Freedom I Built
Helping You
The Life Away
Who Needs 'Em
Reply to Shakespeare
Memory of the Departed
Her Kiss
English Class
Thought of You
Unforgetable Night
Old Man
Nothing is Coming
Love you Even More
What Will It Take
We Could
Heaven's Perfection
Our Song
Take You Away
The Devil In Us
Too Hard to Find
Around My World
Wounded Wings NEW
Whiskey NEW

Short or incomplete poems
(These are poems that I never got around to finishing or are just short)
