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By: Lady Angel

Chapter 13

"So when's Walker and Trivett gonna get here?" JD was restless and anxious to get started.

"They do have their own cases, and one of them broke this morning." Vin informed the others as to why they were waiting.

The hesitant knocking at the door indicated that it wasn't Walker or Trivett; they usually just came in. When Josiah opened the door, Dr. White stood in the doorway, looking hesitant and ashen.

"Dr. White."

"Agent Sanchez."

At the sound of the doctor's voice, Vin, Ezra, JD, Buck, and Nathan's eyes lit up with hope and dread. If the doctor was here, there was only one reason why. Either he found the antidote or he didn't. They prayed that it was the former.

"I brought the antidote. At least, I think it's the antidote." Josiah waved Dr. White into the room.

Sighs of relief assailed the doctor's ears. These men truly cared about what happened to their fallen leader. The professor was surprised at how many people were in the room and when his eyes settled on the pale figure in the bed, he too became pale.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I should have been more careful."

Vin ignored the doctor's ramblings; all he wanted was the antidote. Vin left Josiah to comfort and assure Dr. White while he reached out and took the antidote out of the doctor's trembling hands. He then gave the vial to Nathan. Vin was not about to give something to Chris that hadn't been tested.

"Thank you, Dr. White, for the antidote. Yes, of course, we'll let you know if it works." Josiah continued to make soothing noises as he physically showed the doctor the way out. The agent was about to close the door when he saw Walker and Trivett.

"So what's up?" Trivett asked once in Chris's room.

"That was Dr. White, we just sent the antidote down to the lab," Vin began.

"And we believe that we have found the miscreant who poisoned Mr. Larabee," Ezra continued.

"But we need your help to find out where the guy is," JD finished. Trivett and Walker nodded and everyone got to work. With JD, Ezra, and Trivett on the computers, Walker and Buck decided to check with all of the ranger's street sources.


"Nate?" Buck pounced on the ex-medic the second he entered the room.

"The lab says that it'll be a coupla hours before they know if the antidote will work in vitro. Then if it does, it'll still be another coupla hours before we know if it works in Chris's body." Nathan answered.

"So we wait." Vin said frowning. He was usually a very patient man, that's why he was so good at being a sniper, waiting was a requirement in that job. But right now, Vin could feel every second tick by and it was chasing away the last of his reserves.


"The antidote will take several hours to take effect. But I must warn you. His body is in such a weakened condition, that he might not be. . .whole. . .once he awakens."

"What are you saying, doctor?" Nathan voiced the question everyone was thinking.

"He might not ever be the same man again, mentally or physically." Dr. Ellis turned sad eyes to the ATF team. Their startled expressions told him that they never even considered the possibility.

"We will deal with that IF the time comes." Josiah's voice was filled with confidence. He knew that it would never come to that. Chris Larabee was a fighter and he always came back with everything he went in with, whether it be men or wits.

The doctor nodded and left the room, leaving the agents to their work.

Chapter 14

"So, Clyde's here?" Vin pointed to the map. Vin looked around the table at his friends and the Rangers. They had moved all of their equipment and research into the room adjoining Chris's. Nathan had thought that it would be better for Chris if he had peace and quiet for the antidote to work.

"That's the latest intell on him. My snitch told me he was holed up there. But he's not the only one."

Walker looked to his partner expectantly, waiting for Jimmy to finish. But instead, JD elaborated.

"We found out that Clyde's been recruiting mercenaries from all over the world. We think that they're all here to pull off some big heist."

"How many, JD?" Nathan was ever the practical one.

"From what Ranger Trivett and I figure, close to 40, maybe even 50."

"So its gonna take all of us." Buck was cocky. He knew that they were the best and that they could handle anything.

"I believe that it will require more than just us eight, Mr. Wilmington. These, after all, are trained mercenaries."

"Ezra's right," Walker said. "Even if we all go, we're still going to need backup."

Vin nodded his agreement. The last thing they needed was for someone else to get hurt. Walker then headed for a quiet corner of the spare room to make the call. When Walker looked up and nodded, indicating that they would get the support they needed, Vin and the others turned to leave.

"Wait, if we all go, who's gonna stay with Chris?" JD's question stopped everyone in mid-stride.

"JD's right, we don't know if Clyde will try for Chris here, while we're gone." Nathan added his concern.

"Well, I've got some friends. They're bodyguards and I trust them." Walker looked to Vin. The ranger knew that he would be the one to make the decision.

"How far will they go to protect Chris?" Vin had to know before he handed his friend over to anyone else's keeping.

"They'll do whatever's necessary." Walker looked Vin right in the eyes, knowing that the younger man would read the truth in his eyes.

Vin did and nodded his consent, when Buck raised another problem.

"Vin, Chris ain't gonna like waking with a bunch of strange guys in his room. He's liable to panic. . ." Buck left the rest of the sentence in the air, the rest of the team knew what would happen then.

"Buck's right, Vin." Josiah supported the scoundrel.

"How about if he woke up with a woman here?" Walker suggested.

"Who?" Vin was willing to listen to any suggestions at this point.

"My fiancée, Alex Kayhill, is the assistant district attorney. I could ask her to stay with Chris."

Vin nodded and Walker dialed.

Fifteen minutes, they heard a woman's voice.

"Walker!" Vin and the others turned to see a very pretty blonde hair, blue eyed woman hurrying towards them. Following her were two men, one blonde, the other dark haired.

"Alex, thanks for coming." Walker kissed and hugged Alex as Trivett shook hands with the two men.

"Alex, meet the ATF's finest. Gentlemen, Alex Kayhill, my fiancée." Walker turned to the men and noticed that they all had on big goofy grins on their faces. At Walker's questioning look, Buck grinned at him.

"You're right, Walker, Chris ain't gonna have a problem waking up to Miss Kayhill at all."

"Excuse me?" Alex wasn't sure, but she didn't like the sound of it.

Vin cleared his throat, "Let's just say that Walker and Chris share more than the same taste in trucks." The ATF team snickered at Vin's droll comment.

It didn't really answer the question, but Walker let it slide, for now. They had work to do. He turned to the two men, "Thanks for coming, guys."

"No problem, Walker. What's up?" Trent Malloy looked to his old teacher for their instructions. He and his partner, Carlos Sandoval, owed much to this man and were willing to do anything for him.

Walker introduced the two bodyguards to the ATF agents and watched as the agents sized up his friends. The small lopsided grin from Tanner told Walker that they approved of his choice. As Walker gave his people last minute instructions, including calling him if there was any change with Chris's condition, Vin made his way back to Chris's room.

Once again taking his brother's hand, Vin leaned over and whispered into Chris's ear, "We're goin' now, cowboy. . .see ya when we get back."

Vin gave Chris's hand one last squeeze before leading Chris's ATF team into battle.

Chapter 15

"Why'd ya think Clyde would poison Chris if he was gonna pull off this heist? Wouldn't he risk us getting involved and finding him out?" JD addressed the question to no one in particular.

He and the others were in the SWAT van, on their way to Clyde's hideout, and JD was getting restless again. He did want to know, but JD talked mainly to dispel his nervous energy.

"Yeah, and how did Clyde know where Chris was gonna be?" Buck wondered out loud.

"Well, it's not like our schedule was classified information or anything. Anyone could have hacked into our computers to find out where we were going," Nathan answered Buck's question first.

"Yes, but it still does not answer Mr. Dunne's question." Ezra pointed out.

"Maybe he thought that we'd be too busy with Chris getting sick to bother with him." JD mused.

"Maybe. Or maybe Manny and Hazel screwed up. Maybe they were suppose to use a bigger amount of poison but didn't. So Chris ended up going comatose rather than dying right off." Josiah theorized.

"Maybe the guy's just too cocky." Vin's quiet comment brought his team's attention to the ex-bounty hunter.

"So you're saying that the guy didn't care if he was caught?" Buck asked, confused.

"No, I'm saying what if he thought that he could get away with this gold heist because we weren't suppose to come back to Dallas." At the confused looks on his friends' faces, Vin elaborated. "Josiah's probably right. Manny was suppose to find a poison that would have laid dormant until we got back to Four Corners. But he didn't use enough or maybe he grabbed the wrong vial."

"You mean, Clyde thought that we would've been in Colorado during his heist." Buck reasoned out.

"Yeah, if we hadn't come back to Dallas, no one would've even known about his plans for this heist. He would've probably gotten away with it, too." Nathan concluded.

"Well, Mr. Clyde will not be 'getting away' with anything now." The look on Ezra's usually passive face told the others that he didn't mean just the gold heist.


Vin checked over his weapons as he and the others listened to Walker's instructions.

"Each team gets six people. Vin and Ezra, take the north. Buck and JD, cover the back. Nathan and Josiah, the south side. Trivett and I will take the east."

Vin looked down at the warehouse where Clyde had his headquarters. Walker, Trivett, JD, and Ezra managed to find out by bullying officials that there was a huge gold shipment coming through Dallas later that day. The gold was coming from a U.S. mint in Philadelphia and was on its way to California. If they didn't get Clyde now, he would disappear with nearly three million in gold. Unfortunately, they hadn't figured out why he had so many mercenaries yet. But it didn't matter, Walker had secured enough backup for anything.

Vin turned when he felt the presence next to him.

"Chris will be fine, Vin."

Vin nodded, not answering the southerner, knowing that even if Ezra was wrong, he wouldn't be alone in his grief. Not this time.

Vin threw one last look at the warehouse and then gave the go ahead, "Let's ride."



Shots were fired as both law and lawless fell under the barrage of bullets.

Vin and Ezra were pinned behind crates, covering each other's backs. Nathan was taking on a mercenary hand-to-hand and was winning, knocking the man unconscious. Josiah was taking on two at a time, ramming their heads together with enough force to literally crack their skulls. Buck and JD had been separated. JD was on one side of the warehouse, behind some barrels, getting his shots off and taking out several mercs. JD could see Buck holding his own on the other side of the large room.

JD couldn't see Walker or Trivett, but he knew they could take care of themselves. The other law enforcement officers were also busy taking out the hired goons. JD could see that most of the mercenaries were either dead or seriously wounded. And with a sigh of relief, JD saw that only a few of the officers were wounded, and that none of his big brothers were injured at all.

"FIND CLYDE!" Vin's order cut through the roar of guns and screams.

JD watched as mercs scattered in all directions, but a flash of movement near one of the doors caught his attention.

Clyde still looked exactly like his 'wanted poster', so JD immediately recognized ex-ATF agent as the man getting away. JD quickly ran after the criminal while Clyde did everything in his power to slow the fast gaining agent. The crook turned and got off several shots, all of which were a mile off target. Clyde even tried throwing down barrels into JD's way. But JD was very limber and had no trouble hurdling over the intended obstacles. Moments later, JD saw his chance. Up ahead JD saw a ramp leading towards Clyde's direction. Pumping his legs harder, JD used the platform to launch himself into the air. JD took Clyde down with a flying tackle.

JD immediately bounced to his feet, ready to take the bastard down.

The guy was nearly twice his size, but unlike JD, he didn't have black anger flowing through his veins. Unlike JD, he didn't have the feelings of frustration and helpless that threatened to overwhelm him. Unlike JD, he didn't have a big brother dying in the hospital.

JD didn't think he'd have it in him, but he quickly found out that he could be as fiercely protective of his family as the legendary Chris Larabee.

The young ATF agent faced his opponent, feeling a rage that he had never known before. He let the rage flow through his body, letting it prepare and fuel his body to decimate the man that had hurt his family.

Vin and Ezra had taught him well. JD's quick jabs confused and disoriented his enemy long enough for the young agent to use his legs to send kick after kick into the guy's midsection. The larger man just couldn't keep up with the much younger and more agile ATF agent and was soon bent over in pain.

With a final downward swing, JD rendered Samuel Clydes unconscious.

*Note: In medieval literature, a kiss was the symbolic sealing of a sacred vow. I have written the kisses in this part of Fealty as such. Please don't take them as anymore than that, thank you. Lady Angel

Chapter 16

Man strives for glory, honor, fame,

That all the world may know his name.

Amasses wealth by brain and hand;

Becomes a power in the land,

But when he nears the end of life

And looks back over the years of strife,

He finds that happiness depends

On none of these but love of friends.



"Walker. Oh, hi Alex." All around Walker, various police agencies were tending to the clean up while the rest of Larabee's team and Trivett were treated for minor cuts and bruises.

Vin and the others looked up at the ADA's name, hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.

"Alright, thanks Alex." Walker ended his call and looked up into some very anxious faces. "He's awake and askin' for y'all."


The six of them could be heard all the way down the hall.

Walker and Trivett were completely surprised by the 180-degree turn around in their behavior. Since the Rangers had met the six of them, the ATF agents were serious and professional, only a few emotional lapses had occurred in their week long partnership. But now that the Vin, Buck, JD, Ezra, Nathan and Josiah knew their leader was out of danger, the six of them had turned into a bunch of six-year-olds.

Laughing and teasing each other, the all-male party made their way to Chris's room.

Trent and Carlos had tensed at the noise coming from the hallway. The two bodyguards prepared themselves to check it out, but were stopped by the wicked little chuckle that came from the bed.

"Sounds like my boys are here." Chris's voice was soft but Alex and the two bodyguards could hear the love and pride in it.

"You might want to move to the other side of the room, Alex. The boys have a tendency to trample any obstacles in their way."

Alex smiled at the blonde agent and made her way towards her friends.

Unfortunately, Chris would have to wait to see his friends because they were paying the price for their loud and rowdy behaviour. A battle-axe of a nurse, by the name of Nurse Krull, was presently blocking their way to Chris's room. Nurse Krull had been on vacation for the past week and did not know about the six men that had refused to leave their friend's bedside. She only saw six rowdy hooligans who were violating hospital policy.

"I'm sorry, visiting hours are 4 to 7. You must leave."

Without a word from the others, Buck stepped forward and tried to sweet talk the woman into letting them see Chris, but she only gave an unimpressed "Hurrumph!" Ezra tried next. His usual tactic of talking everyone into circles was met with another unimpressed "Hurrumph!" Even Vin's sweetly earnest pleads fell on deaf ears.

The ATF agents exchanged disbelieving glances and as one turned pleading expressions to the Texas Rangers. Walker and Trivett tried, they really did. But even the well-known rangers would not sway the battle-axe.

JD felt his eyes tear up at the prospect of not seeing Chris and suddenly he got an idea. 'Vin and Ez must be rubbing off on me!' The young man thought. He knew what he had to do and for once his tears would come in handy!

JD turned his huge, tear-filled, brown eyes to the nurse, "Ma'am, I know that you're just doing your job. . .and. . .I understand that it's against rules, but. . .it's. . just that we really need to see our big brother. I promise, we won't take long. . .we just need make sure that he's okay. . .that he's still with us."

Not even the devil could turn a deaf ear or eye to such a sweet plea and the nurse was only human. At her consenting nod, JD grinned and impulsively hugged her. The dark haired young man rushed to Chris's room, leaving the others to add their thanks and to follow.

When they finally arrived at Chris's room, they found him almost as pale and weak as when they first arrived in Dallas. Only now, Chris was awake and smiling at them.

Lord, his boys looked like death warmed over! Chris knew that his week long illness would take its toll on them, but not this badly! They would be in mother hen mode for quiet some time, but right now, Chris could tell that they would want to be assured that he was back with them again.

"Hey, boys." His voice was low and a bit scratchy, but strong.

"Chris!" JD was uninhibited in his joy at hero's recovery and had no qualms about showing it. Everyone in the room was surprised when JD quickly but carefully started to climb onto the bed, avoiding the metal bar and all the tubes and wires. Buck stepped forward to stop him, but Chris stopped him with a quick look. Chris slowly inched his way to one side of the bed, making room for his youngest agent. JD lay on his side, with his head on Chris's right shoulder, and a hand tucked under his cheek.

Chris smiled at large brown eyes that looked up at him, "How ya doin' JD? Boys been givin' ya a rough time?"

"Nah, I'm good, now that you're better. I'm glad you're okay, Chris." Now that Chris was okay, JD felt himself come down from his adrenaline rush and slowly succumb to sleep's waiting arms. Chris grinned and ruffled the kid's hair. Chris left his hand in JD's soft hair.

Seeing the young face relaxing in slumber, Chris turned to look at his other friends. He saw wide grins and he returned them with one of his own. Buck was the first to move.

"Welcome back pard," he said as he gripped Chris's free hand.

"Good to be back, partner." Buck and Chris exchanged quick grins but before he moved out of the way, Buck quickly passed a loving hand over JD's hair.

"He did real good, Chris. You'd been proud."

"Already am, Buck, always have been."

Nathan grinned as he took Buck's place and laid a hand on Chris's brow, "Now don't you be going an' disobeying the doctor, now. You scared the hell outta us once, don't really want ta go through that again."

"Yeah, Doc, I promise," he said, returning the ex-medic's grin.

"Good to see you again, brother." Josiah's deep rumble came next and Chris smiled. Beckoning to the older man, Chris wrapped a hand around the back of Josiah's neck as he whispered into his ear. Josiah's small chuckle was the reply, along with, "I'll see to it brother."

Vin came forward and slipped his hand into Chris's callused one, "Hey cowboy."

"Hey yourself. You look like hell."

"Yeah, well, thought we were losing our big brother for a minute there."

"Yeah, right, and who's gonna save your sorry butts, huh?" Chris smiled at the sleepy yawn that caught Vin by surprise. As he did with Josiah, Chris wrapped his free hand around the back of Vin's neck and tugged. Obediently, Vin leaned forward. But instead of telling him something, Chris pressed his lips to his young brother's forehead, then whispered, "Sleep, now."

Vin grinned sleepily at big brother and complied with Chris's wish. Laying his head down on Chris's bed, Vin gave into the exhaustion that had plagued him for nearly a week. Peaceful in the knowledge that Chris would be okay and that all in his world was right.

Chris smiled down at the dark brown locks spread across the sheets and gently buried his hand in them, caressing the strands.

When Chris finally lifted his clear green eyes from the two dark heads of his youngest, it was to search for the last member of his family. The father searching for his prodigal son.

Finding the black sheep of the family, Chris silently held out his right hand and Ezra quickly and silently latched onto it. To the surprise of the others in the room, the smooth southerner raised Chris's hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it, before laying their entwined hands onto JD's back. Emerald green eyes locked onto clear green ones, silently welcoming back their liege lord. Just as silently, crystalline green accepted the renewal of a pledge of allegiance made so long ago.

Across the room, Alex had to wipe a tear away at the picture that the four brothers made.

Quietly, Josiah ushered the others into hallway. Once there, Nathan and Buck turned to Josiah, both waiting expectantly.

"Chris wants, and I quote, 'Real, honest to god food, not the crap they serve here!'" Everyone laughed at that as Josiah continued, "Any good places to get food to go around here?"

"CD's," Alex suggested their long time friend's establishment and the others agreed.

"What about them?" Trent asked pointing to the three youngest members of the ATF team through the window. The blonde bodyguard noticed that Ezra was still holding on to Chris's hand but was now sitting in a chair next to the bed.

"I'll go get them," Carlos offered but was stopped by Nathan's hand on his arm.

"Nah, leave them be. More than anything, they need to be with Chris."

With that the agents and their new friends left the hospital, leaving a man and his youngest brothers to a healing sleep.


Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keeping what is worth keeping and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.


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