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Getting to Know You (Ezra's Reply 02)
Author: P.C. Rasmussen

Follows Enola Jones's Chris's reply 02



>>Oh, I aim to please.

>Seriously? Then perhaps you should aim to allow one of us to win at poker sometime....

Oh, please! That would not be winning, now would it.

>>When has that woman ever displayed any type of warmth? <sighs>

>This is true. I keep hoping one day, though. You're her son, you deserve better than that.

Why, I thank you kindly for those words. And I wholeheartedly agree, too.

>Is there anything we can do to help? You're one of us now, and we stick together.

I wish. But what can one do. The woman cannot change.

>>I'll be there!

>I know you explained this to me at the meeting, but I'm STILL not convinced. Tell me again why you feel it necessary to
>use Elijah Simms as your cover? Wasn't one disaster as a blind man enough?

Well, you know how I work, Chris. I never -- how would Mr. Wilmington put it -- kiss and tell? <s>