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Lady Angel's Library: Titles C

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Calling Elvis


  • Author: Hilary Fox
  • Rating: PG-17
  • Universe: Old West cross-over with Camelot
  • Summary: Vin tells Josiah he is thinking of leaving after the events in Wagon Train. Josiah reads The Arthurian Romances aloud as a delaying tactic, and somehow Vin finds himself in an Old West version of Camelot...and in the middle of the situation between Lancelot, Guinevere and King Arthur...

Can't Go Back

  • Author: Ruby
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: JD is having some trouble with some local ranch hands because of his youth.

Candy from Strangers

  • Author: Hilary Fox
  • Rating: PG-13, humor
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: Nathan picks up a non-alcoholic drink to enjoy at one of the Seven's post-sting parties. As usual, he and the others get far more than they bargained for.

Captives  Link Updated

  • Author: LaraMee Deux
  • Rating: PG-17
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: An enemy of Chris' takes Chris, Vin and JD captive. He offers Chris the choice of dying or of having one of his friends tortured for a day... Only Vin takes the choice out of Chris' hands...

Carving Their Niche

  • Author: JK
  • Rating: G
  • Universe: Little Britches
  • Summary: As little Vin observes the growing bond between Buck and JD, he feels that he isn't needed any more by JD...and that Chris and Buck would be more likely to keep one child than two...

The Cat in the Black Hat Comes Back   New Story

The Cat Strikes Back   New Story

Cave In

  • Author: KellyA
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Chris sends Ezra and Nathan to check out reports that a local mine is dangerous. Do I need to say it is?

The Celebration

  • Author: KRH
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: What happens when everyone gets together for a little party will have you giggling like a loon!

The Chair   New Story

  • Author: Ruby
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: JD...a chair balanced on a I need to say more?

The Challenge

  • Author: Hilary Fox
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: Vin challenges J.D. to an eating contest. Will they find out who has the biggest appetite this side of the Mississippi, or will Nathan kill Vin first?

Change in Plans

  • Author: Winter
  • Rating: PG13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: The relaxing weekend that the Seven had planned is interrupted when misfortune befalls them.

Change of Heart

  • Author: Winter
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Little Britches AU
  • Summary: Little Vin endangers himself when he sees Chris in trouble. As a result, Chris discovers just what the little orphans have come to mean to him.
  • Note: Follows after J.K. Poffenbergers' The Train West and In the Arms of Love, and immediately after Winter's Heartstrings.

Changes in Attitude

  • Author: Heather F.
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: The others try and rebuild their relationship to Ezra after the events in Another Brick.

The Chase In Progress

  • Author: Desperado's Daughter
  • Rating: R
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: The hunter becomes the hunted when bounty hunters find Vin's trail. Meanwhile Ezra will play the game of his life.

Child's Play  (M7FFA)

  • Author: Wyvern
  • Rating: G
  • Universe: Little Ezra AU
  • Summary: Maude Standish decides to send 12-year old Ezra to stay with her friend Sarah Larabee and her family, not knowing that Sarah is dead...
  • Note: Story link leads to Wyvern's main page.

China Roses

  • Author: Beth AKA Midge
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: Ezra gets word from an informant that someone in law enforcement is going to kill another undercover officer.
  • Note: Fourth in a series. Previous stories are: The South Wind, The Mouths of Crocodiles, and High and Dry.

Chosen Family

  • Author: WendyW
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Vin and Nettie have a talk about the nature of family. Companion piece to Table Manners.

Christmas Miracle   Link Updated

  • Author: LaraMee Deux
  • Rating: G
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Ezra has a cold, it's Christmas Eve, and Maude has come visiting...but for once, she's not out to "keep him sharp"...

A Christmas Redeemed

  • Author: The Desperado's Daughter
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Ezra goes missing at Christmas.

The Christmas Shootout

  • Author: Sassey J
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Ahhhh, Christmas! A time for family, friends, a shootout! Well, how else would our favorite seven men spend Christmas?

The Chronicles

I am a Watcher, part of a secret society of men and women who observe and record, but never interfere. We know the truth about Immortals. In the end, there can be only one. History knew them as The Magnificent Seven, seven men hired to protect the small town of Four Corners, and in the process became legends. But they were so much more. They went beyond a legend, they became a myth. This is their story, of how they became The Immortal Seven.

The Chronicles: New Beginnings

  • Author: Maria Villa
  • Rating: PG-13, action
  • Universe: Old West AU
  • Summary: In the first of the Chronicles Series, an old friend of Josiah's comes to town, bringing with her a time of change for the Seven.

The Chronicles: Hauntings

  • Author: Maria Villa
  • Rating: PG-13, action
  • Universe: Old West AU
  • Summary: The second of the Chronicle Series, Chris' demons come back to haunt him, but at what price?

The Chronicles: When Angels Cry   In Progress

  • Author: Maria Villa
  • Rating: PG-13, action
  • Universe: Old West AU, x-over with The Young Riders
  • Summary: In the third and most recent of the Chronicles Series, growing up never seemed so fast as JD learns some life lessons.

Clichés and New Meanings

  • Author: White Raven
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Chris and Vin experience a Christmas miracle.

A Close Call

  • Author: KRH
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: This is either the sequel or prequel to "A Dance" but it tells of the events leading up to a dance shared by two lovers.

Coercion  In Progress

  • Author: Desperado's Daughter
  • Rating: R
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: One of the Seven is forced into crime when two friends are held for ransom.

Collecting on a Bounty

  • Author: KellyA
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Vin and Ezra are alone in Four Corners when bounty hunters come calling...

The Color That Divides   New Story

  • Author: The Scribe
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Four Corners Chronicles VS
  • Summary: When Nathan is accused of killing a white man, the Seven begin to wonder if the town is worth their protection.
  • Note: Linked to the Virtual Season main page.

Comes the Morning  In Progress

  • Author: Jann
  • Rating: PG-17, serious angst
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: In an earlier story (no longer available) an assassin managed to kill the only witness to a murder, and Vin was badly injured as a result. A head wound left him with scattered wits. Vin's gradual recovery was hindered by the assassin, who masqueraded as the Rev. Mordecai Bliss. Bliss was exposed to the Seven.
    However, Vin is the only witness to Bliss' perfidity, and he is still not fully recovered. And Bliss still has plans for him...
  • Note: Contains some material which sensitive readers may find disturbing...particularly as the story is not yet finished!

The Comfort of Friends

  • Author: LaraMee Deux
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: In the wake of the evens of Inmate 78 Chris takes comfort in the presence of his friends on the way home.

Coming to Terms  Link Updated

  • Author: LaraMee Deux
  • Rating: G
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: In the aftermath of Cyrus Poplar's killings, Ezra has trouble coming to terms with a similar event from his past.

Common Ground

Common Ground

  • Author: KellyA
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Nathan and Ezra struggle to find some common ground.

Connecting the Dots

  • Author: JK
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: JD comes down with the chicken pox...and so does Vin. And of course, with our boys, nothing is simple, is it?

The Conversation

  • Author: Brigitta B.
  • Rating: G
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Ezra and Nathan watch as Chris and Vin have a conversation. . . .snicker.

La Corrido del Coyote

  • Author: G.M. Atwater
  • Rating: R
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Young Sam McLachlan arrives in town, and ends up getting taken under the Seven's collective wing. Unfortunately, the trouble Sam thought was left behind arrives in Four Corners, with unexpected and tragic results. It's up to our boys not just to help, but to convice Sam to accept it.

The Coyote Chronicles

Coyote is curious about the white humans moving into his land. He decides to try and understand them better through the Seven. Being outside time, he becomes fascinated by Kipling's Law of the Jungle, and the words: For the Strength of the Pack is the Wolf and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. He decides to see how much he can learn, through the Seven.

Coyote Waiting

  • Author: Mods
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Vin's dreams make him uneasy, and he leaves Four Corners to spend time in the wild. No sooner does he leave, then the others start to experience unnerving events, that make them fear Vin is in trouble. This story is told from the viewpoints of all of the Seven except Vin. The story concludes in "Coyote Calling".

Coyote Calling In Progress

  • Author: Mods
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: Coyote Waiting describes the events from the viewpoint of the other six; this story starts from the same time, but from Vin's point of view. Story posted in parts on the main page.


  • Author: Mitzi
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: When a young ranch owner, his brother, and core ranch hands come into town, the situation heats up when the brothers recognize Ezra, and hold him responsible for their older brother's death. And of course, they aren't willing to wait for the Judge to come and handle the situation...
  • Note: Follows after Mitzi's other stories, A Friend to Me and The Spirit of a Hero, but does not require you to have read them first to understand and enjoy the story.

The Crying Waters

  • Author: Kimberly
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: Old West
  • Summary: When Vin accompanies Nathan on his rounds, a still birth rouses painful memories from Vin's past.
  • Note: Follows events in Walking the Roots

Curse of the Red Nose

  • Author: Mods
  • Rating: PG-13
  • Universe: ATF AU
  • Summary: In the sequel to "Magical Cats and Sewer Rats", members of Team Seven find out why they've been having such bad luck.


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