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Back to Basics classes will begin Sunday, August 25, 6 – 8:00 p.m. at the Chamber Office. This 10 week series discusses what we believe as Lutheran Christians and shares our vision and goals as well as expectations of those who become part of the Prince of Peace Family 

Thank You  to the members of Prince of Peace: Thank you for all the food and prayers. It was much appreciated. We don’t know anything yet. I go back to the Doctor Monday (July 23). Keep the prayers coming. The thoughts mean a lot. Thank you, Jackie Sutton 

The Lord’s Supper:  We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper Sunday, August 18, 12:00 noon at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.


Choir Rehearsal will resume Thursday,  September 5, 7:30 p.m. at Owens Music Store, 1207 Chestnut Street. Any one interested in singing praises to the Lord is invited to come join the choir.


Youth News: 
Junior High and High School Youth are working on planning activities and fund-raisers for the coming year. Watch for a meeting date for parents and youth on a Wednesday at the end of August to plan and volunteer for activities this coming year. The High School group would like to go on a mission trip to Mexico next summer. In order to support this effort, we are providing the food for the fall Pumpkin Festival at Elgin Christmas Tree Farm October 19 & 20. This fund-raiser should make a large portion of the money needed to go on the mission trip. We will need the congregation’s support with donated items and attendance, bring your friends. We will discuss this fund-raiser at our August 6th meeting.The Youth Group will resume meeting on Wednesday, September 4, 7:00 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office.

Confirmation classes for youth in 6th – 8th grade will begin Wednesday, September 4, 4:30 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office.

The weekend of July 20 three of our Youth, Michael, Emily, and Pam, participated in a 30 hour famine project with Smithville’s youth. Together they earned about $200 for Magole! They are still accepting donations.

Sunday School News
Good attendance for June! (3 out of 4 Sundays) Nancy Chumley, Shannon Nelson, Beverly Wilson (perfect attendance!!), Karen Singleton, and Diane Tilley, teachers; and Aaron Mobley, Lacey Nash, Kayla Biar, Olivia Tilley, Carson Spotts, Brian Tilley, Miah Neer, Landry Nash and Nick Cours. Cheers for the 3 & 4 year old class with the most attendees and a special thank you to the teachers for being so consistent during the summer months.

Sunday School Teachers Thank you for doing such a great job keeping Sunday School going this summer. There will be a TEACHERS MEETING to plan fall Sunday School program on Tuesday, August 6, 7:00 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce. All Sunday School teachers and helpers need to attend. Contact Twyla Nash, Sunday School Superintendent, (303-6829), if you can’t attend.

We will be starting the new Sunday School year on Rally Sunday, August 25. Rally Sunday will start at 9:00 am. There will be games, crafts, singing, balloons, and cake. During church the children will do memory work in groups and receive memory awards as well as sing. Mark your calendar - we will try for record attendance Aug 25!!

Memory work Each elementary class has memory work they’ve been working on all year. During August the teachers will be listening to children individually. If the child passes the memory work, they will be in the group for Rally Sunday and will receive an award.

Sunday School Teachers Needed We are looking for a Junior high Sunday School teacher for the fall. As always we could use some more assistants to help during class and possibly teach, if needed.


The New Life Children’s Residential Treatment Center for girls with severe emotional and behavioral problems will be closed for at least 3 months to repair extensive damage when floodwaters topped the Canyon Lake Dam. Donations for the Rebuild New Life Fund or the LSS Texas Flood relief fund can be sent to Lutheran Social Services of the South, INC., P. O. Box 140767, Austin, Texas 78714. If you can volunteer your time to help with the clean up efforts, please contact LSS at 512-459-1000.

AAL sponsored a lunch fundraiser for the New Life Treatment Center Sunday, July 21, 2002. Prince of Peace members generosity helped raise $328.00 which will be matched by AAL.