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The Lord’s Supper

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper Sunday, December 15, 12:00 noon at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Advent Services will be held Wednesday December 4, December 11, and December 18 at the Bastrop Intermediate School at 7:00 p.m.  The choir room will be used Dec 4 and 11.  The Children’s Program will be part of the Advent Service Dec 18 in the cafeteria.

 Advent Booklets are available at church.   There are three separate booklets.  If I Could Be… invites children and families to use their imagination.  A Little Town Called Bethlehem is for families with children of all ages, each day during advent it takes a close look at one person who helped prepare for the birth of Jesus.  The Lord is Near, Advent Meditations from the Works of Henri J. M. Nouwen contains Scripture verses, meditations and prayer-reflective action suggestions. 

Christmas Eve Service will be held Tuesday, December 24, 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 3003 Loop 150, Bastrop.

Letter to the congregation from Rev. James R. Linderman, President, Texas District

 Dear Pastor Biar, Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

 I regret that I cannot be present for the important occasion of the ground breaking for your first structure on your property.  However, I do want to wish you the Lord’s blessings as you move forward in your ministry in the Bastrop community.  This is indeed a significant date for you and for the people of the Lutheran church.

 I pray that God will continue to bless you as He has done in the past through preaching of His Word and the ministering of His Sacraments.  We are indebted entirely to the power of His Holy Spirit who has changed our lives so that we might share the good news of the Gospel with those around us.  As you further equip saints in the Kingdom of God, this love will spread throughout your area of influence.  If there’s any way that I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to let me know.

 Again, congratulations and God’s blessings on this special event in the history of your young church.


Visitors on Sunday mornings are being given a small white dove to place on their lapel.  If you see someone wearing a white dove, please be sure to greet him or her and welcome him or her to Prince of Peace.

 Youth News: The Youth Groups will resume their weekly meetings in January. 

 Confirmation classes for youth in 6th – 8th grade meet on Wednesdays, December 4, 11, and 18 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office.

 Choir Rehearsal:  will meet on Wednesdays, Dec 4, 11, and 18 following the Advent Services at the Intermediate School.

 Children’s Church for children age 4 thru 8 years of age is held every Sunday during worship.

Please review the Bible verse with your child each week so that they can recite it the next Sunday.  Thank you for your support and interest in this opportunity for your child’s spiritual growth.

 December 1 theme: Daniel in the Lion’s Den

Verse:  Hear the Word of the Lord, O Nations. Jer. 31:10

 December 8 theme:  The Birth of Jesus

Verse:  Glory to God in the Highest!  Luke 2:14

 December 15 theme: The Wise Men from the East

Verse: I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11

December 22 theme: Peter’s catch of Fish
Verse: “Come, follow Me.” Jesus said. Matthew 4:19

December 29 theme: Jesus stills the storm.
Verse: Believe in the Lord Jesus. Acts 16:31

Kelli Davis, Children’s Church Coordinator, 303-3430