Home of the Vicious
Racefrog you say?
lets see some pics
And a close Realative
That's enuff bout frogs
Here is my life story.
Growing up i was a hooligun
that lead to me getting two tatoos
one on each butt cheek And thats the story of my life, oh yea a pic of me
Just Kidding, there on my buff upper arms(haha)
then i got thrown in jail
but i got rehabilitated
Then i met my hero and changed my outlook on life
Along the way I(being of sound mind and body, yeah right i was probably drunk, unless this is my probation officer reading this then i never ever drink) bought some cars that im kinda proud of
first was my firebird
then was the aspire
and now i own a huge mercury, its huge
then i wreaked some of them
Now some of the more memorable lines of my life
It's Huge!
Your just a little fuck!
I want the skinny one!
Of course tiberum sun is better than Quake 3!
Yes your honor, I know the conditions of probation
Yes your honor, I still know the conditions of probation
Yes your honor, I know i said you would never see me agin, but dam your hot(doh, i said that out loud)
Yes officer they let me have my hair like this in school
Mr. Stewart please step out of the car and put your hands where i can see them
Spread'em (ouch that one hurt)
Fuckin fuk
It's not what you got its what you do with it, but you can do so much more with what i got.
i have constant diahera
here Will eat this tortilla
And now some of my mostest favoritest pages in the World Wide WussAss(oops...i..um..mean there grrrrrrrrrrreeeeat!)
Enuff links Now you Can What are you drunk?
Murkettedismal's page from hell
Oh shit My Personal Galleries
um.. roy'page
My Starcraft Clan page
these hits can't be right.