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de la Fere

A Few Words on the Sword Woman Some people misunderstand what some women see in Agnes de la Fere. Let me try: despite writing "The Sword Woman" and "Blades for France" in the early 1930s, and despite the fact that the stories were probably aimed at magazines such as Adventure, or Argosy or whatever. These are great stories. They really touch a lot of women, which is what art is supposed to do. You don't have to be an ardent feminist to respond to these stories. They really mean a lot to very many people. I know of at least three female authors who thought very highly of them: C.L. Moore, Leigh Brackett and Jessica Amanda Salmonson. Howard transcended his time and immediate market with these stories.

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Sword Woman
Blades For France
Mistress of Death

The Sword Woman

Blades For France

Mistress of Death

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