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Charles R. Saunders

Dr. Saunders.was kind enough to send me his bibliography, then updated to February 1979, if I recall correctly. This current listing has been updated by Morgan Holmes, Dale Ripke and myself.




Agbewe’s Sword [Dossouye of the Brown Spider Clan]

            Amazons!, DAW, 1979

                        Edited by Jessica Amanda Salmonson


Amma [non-series Nyumbani]

            Beyond the Fields We Know, Fall 1978

            The Year’s Best Horror Stories VII, DAW, 1978

                        Edited by Gerald W. Page


Betrayal in Belverus [for Robert e. Howard round-robin novel]

            Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977

            Ghor, Kin-Slayer, Necronomicon Press, 1997


Blacksmith and the Bambuti, The [non-series Nyumbani – features Pomphus]

            Escape! #1, Fall 1977


Bwala li Mwesu (The Moon Pool) [Imaro]

            Dark Fantasy #8, May 1976

            The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories 3, DAW, 1977

                        Edited by Lin Carter (Donald A. Wollheim); the story is retitled “The Pool of the Moon”


Cats in the Cellar [non-series]

            Astral Dimensions #5, January 1977


City of Mists, The [co-written with Kenneth Huff]

            Weird Adventures #2, 1978


Curse of the Bana-Gui, The [Imaro]

            Fantasy Crosroads #14, September 1978

            Imaro II: The Quest for Cush, DAW, 1984

                        As “In Bana-Gui


Death Castle of Djenne [non-series Nyumbani]

            Black Lite #2, October 1976


Death in Jukun [Imaro]

            Heroic Fantasy, DAW, 1979

                        Edited by Gerald W. Page


Death’s Friend [Imaro]

            Weirdbook 22, 1987

            The Year’s Best Horror Stories ?

            Horrorstory, Vol. 3, 1992 – I think this would have been the right collection


Drum Magic [Imaro – chronologically last]

            Argonaut #14 (circa 1988)


Gimmile’s Songs [Dossouye of the Brown Spider Clan]

            Sword and Sorceress, DAW, 1984

                        Edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley

            Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora, Aspect, 2000

                        Edited by Sheree R. Thomas


Horror in the Black Hills [Imaro]

            Dark Fantasy #14, September 1977

            Imaro, DAW, 1981


Imaro and the White Queen [Imaro]

                        Place of actual publication questionable

            Escape! #2 ?


In Cush [Imaro]

            Imaro II: The Quest for Cush, DAW, 1984


In the Red Dawn [Co-written with Howard Eugene (Gene) Day]

            Dark Fantasy #?


Ishu’s Gift [non-series]

            Liavek: The Players of Luck, Ace 1986

                        Original fantasy anthology set in exotic Liavek, #2 in the shared-world series


Ishigbi [non-series Nyumbani]

            Hecate’s Cauldron, October 1976


Katisa [non-series Nyumbani – about Imaro’s mother]

            Forbidden Worlds of Fantasy


Khodumodumo [non-series Nyumbani]

            Stardock #1, Summer 1977


Kibanda ya Kufa (The Hut of Death) [Imaro]

            Dark Fantasy #7, September 1975

            Skelos #1 (?)

            The Chronicler of Cross Plains #1, Fall 1978


Last Round, The [non-series]

            Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone Magazine, June 1988


Luendi [non-series]

            The Diversifier #22, September 1977


Mai-Kulala [Imaro]

            Space and Time #45, November 1977

            Swords Against Darkness, IV, Zerba, 1979

                        Edited by Andrew J. Offutt


Marwe’s Forest [Dossouye of the Brown Spider Clan]

            Sword and Sorceress III, DAW, 1986

                        Edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley


Mbodze [non-series Nyumbani]

            Stardock #2, Winter 1978


M’ji ya Wazimi, the City of Madness [Imaro]

            Dark Fantasy #4, July 1974

            The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories, DAW, 1975

                        Edited by Lin Carter; the story is retitled “The City of Madness”

            Imaro, DAW, 1981


Mwanza [Imaro]

            Night Voyages #6, Summer 1980

            Imaro, DAW, 1981

                        As “Prologue”


Mzee [Imaro]

            Dragon #86, June 1984


N'Tu Nusu Ya Chikanda (The Half-Men of Chikanda) [Imaro]

            Fantasy Crossroads #9, August 1976

            Imaro II: The Quest for Cush, DAW, 1984

                        As “In Mwenni


Nunda, The [non-series Nyumbani]

            The Diversifier #16, September 1976


Okosene Alakun and the Magic Guinea-Fowl [non-series Nyumbani]

            Weirdbook #13, March 1978


On the Bahari Mashiriki [Imaro]

            Imaro II: The Quest for Cush, DAW, 1984


Out-SteppinFetchit [non-series]

            Masques #2, 1987

            Best of Masques, 1988


Place of Stones, The [Imaro]

            Phantasy Digest #1, Fall 1976

            Imaro, DAW, 1981


Return of the Sundiata, The [non-series Nyumbani]

            Equinox #5

            Cascade #1, Winter 1982

                        The story is retitledSundiata’s Return”


Scorpio Sand [Imaro]

                        Place of publication is unknown


Shimenege’s Mask [Dossouye of the Brown Spider Clan]

            Sword and Sorceress II, DAW, 1985

                        Edited by Marion Zimmer Bradley


Silent Ghosts, The [non-series Nyumbani]

            Space and Time #63, 1982


Singing Drum, The [non-series Nyumbani]

            Windhaven #2, Summer 1977


Skeleton Coast, The [Imaro]

            Dark Fantasy #18, December 1978


Slaves of the Giant Kings [Imaro]

            Slaves of the Giant Kings, Hall Publications

            Imaro, DAW, 1981


Through the Dark Past [co-written by Howard Eugene (Gene) Day]

            Space and Time #46, January 1978


Trail of Bohu, The [Imaro]

            Imaro III: The Trail of Bohu, DAW, 1985


Turlhana Knives [Imaro]

            Dragonbane #1, February 1978

            Imaro, DAW, 1981


Two Rogues [non-series Nyumbani]

            Weirdbook 11, March 1977




Amazons [Screenplay]

            Roger Corman, Executive Producer; Frank K. Isaac, Co-Producer; Hector Olivera, Producer

            Directed by Alex Sessa, 1986


Sam Langford Story, The [radio play]



Stormquest [movie script]

            Hector Olivera, Producer

            Directed by Alex Sessa, 1988.


Fiction edited by Dr. Saunders


Balik and the Sirens of Alcathoe (Book 2) [written by Clifford W. Bird]

            Balik #2, February 1977




About the Artist

            Beyond Crimson Dreams [a Gene Day Portfolio]


Al Manachino: A True Original [foreword]

            Noctet, Argo Press, 1997


Black & Bluenose: The Contemporary History of a Community

            Black & Bluenose: The Contemporary History of a Community, Pottersfied Press, 1999 – or 2002?



            Wax Dragon #?


Boxes, Bricks and Other Tricks: The Surreal World of Al Manachino [introduction]

            The Box-Hunter and Others, Potboiler, 1985


Broken Hills and Diamond Valleys

            Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977


Die Black Dog! A Look at Racism in Fantasy

            Toadstool Wine, Fall 1975



            Stardock #1, Summer 1977



            Stardock #2, Winter 1978


Epoch of Kush, The

            Balik #2, February 1977


Fantasy: An International Genre

            World Fantasy Convention ’84, 1984


Fantasy Superfight: Who Would Win In a Fight Conan or Tarzan?

            Sorcerer’s Apprentice #6, Spring 1980


Farmer: A Mixed Harvest [book review]

            The Diversifier #19, March 1977


Gods of Africa, The

            Wax Dragon #1, Winter 1977


Imaginary Beasts of Africa

            Forum on Fantasy #4, April 1976

            Simba #1, September 1976


Imaginary Fight Stories [ran in Boxing Illustrated]



In Remembrance of David Madison

            Dragonfields #3, Summer 1980


Iron Man by Robert E. Howard, The [book review]

            Fantasy Crosswinds #3, February 1977


Kioga of the Wilderness [book review]

            The Diversifier #?


More Imaginary Beasts of Africa

            Simba #2


Mouthful of Feathers, A

            The Chronicler of Cross Plains #1, Fall 1978


Of Chocolate-Covered Conans and Pompous Pygmies

            New Fantasy Journal #1, summer 1976


Out of Africa

            Dragon #122, June 1987


Out to Launch: 1950s Nostalgia

            Dark Fantasy #10, December 1976


Progeny of Conan, The

            Unpublished ???


Race and Fantasy: A Personal Perspective

            Sexism, Racism, and SF/Fantasy, T-K Graphics

                        Edited by Jessica Amanda Salmonson


R’Leyh Redux

            Copper Toadstool #3


Robert E. Howard: Adventure Unlimited: A Biographical Sketch

            Beyond Crimson Dreams [a gene Day portfolio]


Share & Care: The Story of the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children.
            Share & Care: The Story of the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children, Nimbus Publishing, 1994
Spirit of Africville
            Spirit of Africville, Formac Publishing Company Limited, 1992
Storm Lord by Tanith Lee, The [book review]
            The Diversifier #17, November 1976
Sweat and Soul: The Saga of Black Boxers from the Halifax Forum to Caesars Palace
            Sweat and Soul: The Saga of Black Boxers from the Halifax Forum to Caesars Palace, Lancelot Press, 1990
Three African Superheroes
            New Fantasy Journal #2, May 1977
To Kush and Beyond: The Black Kingdoms of the Hyborian Age
            The Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian #56, September 1980
Where Did Those Names Come From
            Drums of Nyumbani #1, Winter 1978
Why Blacks Don't Read Science Fiction
            Windhaven #5
            Brave New Universe: Testing the Values of Science in Society
Why Blacks Should Read Science Fiction

            Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction From the African Diaspora, edited by Sheree R. Thomas, Aspect, 2000


Published Correspondence


Untitled (“I’m sure the Swahili-speaking …”)

            Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977


Untitled (“Well, on the heels of Roots you go and …”)

            Phantasy Digest #3, 1977


Contents Uncertain


Beyond the Northern Lights
            Charles R. Saunders Compendium, The, Triskell Press, 1978