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Welcome to Homegrown Houston Music....

This page has been in my head for a long time. I am grateful to finally get it down into a file!!! I just want to share some of my past history, friends, and knowledge about the scene in Houston.

There are many, many artists in Houston!!! From all walks of life, all genres of music, every artist has a story don't they. Here is a place to find these homegrown talents. I've started with my favorites...Bath, Beans Barton & the Bipeds, and Jimmy's Pawn Shop..

To showcase these many artist is Houston's venues. From small to humongous, hole-in the-wall to eight wonder of the world. Houston has it all. This is just a small list!!

Send questions or comments to ©Home in Houston 2000. All Rights Reserved unless otherwise stated. Created December 12, 2000. Last modified: Saturday, February 07, 2004 05:59:12 AM